Lua/Celx Run-A-Script script
Posted: 05.03.2004, 09:17
This Lua/Celx script allows you to display a menu of Celx scripts on-screen and then allows the user to select one of the scripts via a keypress. Enjoy!
This file is available on my Celestia web page (
-Don G.
This file is available on my Celestia web page (
-Don G.
Code: Select all
-- *
-- Run_A_Script *
-- (ver. 1.1) *
-- *
-- Copyright (c) 2004 Don Goyette *
-- *
-- *
-- You are free to use, copy, modify, or redistribute this script, for *
-- NON-commercial use only. Your script must also retain a credit to the *
-- original author of this script. *
-- *
-- *
-- This script allows you to display a menu of Celx scripts on-screen and *
-- then allows the user to select one of the scripts via a keypress. You *
-- should use only numbers (0-9) and letters (a-z) as many other keys are *
-- not properly captured by Lua/Celx (March 2004). *
-- *
-- Keyboard Input Callback *
-- *
-- This function is called automatically by Celestia when celestia: *
-- requestkeyboard() is set to true. *
-- *
function celestia_keyboard_callback(keypress)
rtnKeypress = keypress
return true -- Tell Celestia we will handle this keypress
-- Get a keypress from the user
function GetKey()
celestia:requestkeyboard(true) --Enable keyboard input
while rtnKeypress == "" do --Loop until we get a keypress
-- Display the menu (this is where you define your menu)...
-- (Yes, the print duration time is longer than the wait duration time.
-- this is to stop the menu from "flickering".)
celestia:print("Press a number key to run the corresponding script:\n\n"
.." 1. Script #1\n"
.." 2. Script #2\n"
.." 9. End"
, 1, -1, -1, 1, 15)
-- Disable keyboard input
-- Main Code
rtnKeypress = ""
while rtnKeypress ~= "9" do --This is your End / EXIT key definition
GetKey() -- Get a Keypress
-- Check the key value (this is where you match a keypress to a script)
-- NOTE: These script files MUST exist in the same directory as this
-- script, or you will get a "File not found" error.
if (rtnKeypress == "1") then
filename = "script1.celx"
elseif rtnKeypress == "2" then
filename = "script2.celx"
else -- Not a valid keypress, ignore it
filename = ""
-- rtnVal returns nil or a compiled Lua function
if filename > "" then
rtnVal = loadfile(filename)
if rtnVal == nil then
celestia:flash("File not found.")
rtnVal() -- run the script file as a function
celestia:print("Script '"..filename.."' is complete.",
5, -1, -1, 1, 10)
rtnKeypress = "" -- Clear the last keypress
end --(while rtnKeypress ~= "9")
-- End of script
celestia:print("This script is now finished.", 2, -1, -1, 1, 10)