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Possibility to pause .CEL scripts without interrupting.

Posted: 12.02.2004, 14:43
by Guest

Is there a possibility to pause a .cel script, without interrupting it, to go on after playing around with a selected object.
In the script language there is no specific instruction.


Ruud Schuurman (Netherlands)

Posted: 12.02.2004, 16:12
by Bob Hegwood

Do you mean something other than the wait command?

wait {duration 5.0}

The above will pause for 5 seconds.

Take care, Bob

Posted: 12.02.2004, 17:47
by don
One thing I would personally like to see implemented is an external pause, generated by the user. For example, when the spacebar is pressed, time pauses, but scripts continue to run. I think scripts should also pause when the spacebar is pressed.

-Don G.

Posted: 12.02.2004, 21:12
by Bob Hegwood
don wrote: One thing I would personally like to see implemented is an external pause, generated by the user. For example, when the spacebar is pressed, time pauses, but scripts continue to run. I think scripts should also pause when the spacebar is pressed.

Whoops! :oops:

Sorry Ruud. Sorry Don. As usual, I guess I didn't understand what you were getting at!

The feature you suggest sounds like a good one to me too, Don. My latest is running at about fifteen minutes now, so this would be a useful feature.

Thanks, Bob

Pausing .CEL scripts

Posted: 26.02.2004, 06:16
by Parker Moreland
Raud, Don, Bob --
Teachers using Celestia scripts in class need "external" pausing of the script -- despite one's best efforts at timing, with wait commands or duration of orbiting, etc., questions will come up, and it's always best to answer them at once. Can't do it now (that I'm aware of), so this feature would be very helpful.

Posted: 26.02.2004, 07:18
by Bob Hegwood

Thank you very much for that assessment... Unfortunately, that decision is not up to Don, Raud or Bob. :cry:

We *do* appreciate the comments though.

Thanks very much for your thoughts. :wink:

Take care, Bob

Posted: 26.02.2004, 08:01
by don
Howdy Parker and all,

Not only do teachers need it, so do husbands who are showing scripts to their wives (or kids), who want to ask a lot of questions! :lol: I've run into this particular circumstance many times.

With any luck, maybe we can encourage one of the developers to add this, as it *seems* that it should be fairly easy, but I don't know for sure.

-Don G.

Posted: 03.03.2004, 20:42
by Wizard
Here is a workaround. If you have Celestia in windowed mode and you hit "Alt" it will pause the script. Press "Alt" key again to resume. This does not work in full screen mode.

Posted: 03.03.2004, 23:04
by don
Well, yes and no ... it pauses the script but does not pause time. Many scripts are time-sensitive, so this would not work for them.

Re: Possibility to pause .CEL scripts without interrupting.

Posted: 21.04.2004, 07:10
by don
Ruud wrote:Is there a possibility to pause a .cel script, without interrupting it, to go on after playing around with a selected object.

In version 1.3.2 pre7, you can press the spacebar and it will pause both time AND scripts. Press it again, and both proceed.