howto draw lines with coordinates, relative any coord system
Posted: 10.01.2004, 16:17
Hi . I am newbe here.
Three questions:
1) I want to draw lines between to points defined by their coordinates, using the current coordinate system(follow/lock/chase,etc..).
The idea is to "materialise"(visualize) particuliar alignements or even particular planes defined by objects of interest ,at a particular moment
(during an eclipse for exemple)
Is there a command for such a "drawline(A,B)" or "drawline(A,B,color)"...
It would be so usefull for educational purpose !
Can some one help me?
2) is there a command (function) which retrieves (return) the coordinates of any object, relative to the current coordinates system?
3) is there a command (or function) which displays on screen (or return )the coordinates of the observer, relative to the current coord. system?
Thank for your help
Three questions:
1) I want to draw lines between to points defined by their coordinates, using the current coordinate system(follow/lock/chase,etc..).
The idea is to "materialise"(visualize) particuliar alignements or even particular planes defined by objects of interest ,at a particular moment
(during an eclipse for exemple)
Is there a command for such a "drawline(A,B)" or "drawline(A,B,color)"...
It would be so usefull for educational purpose !
Can some one help me?
2) is there a command (function) which retrieves (return) the coordinates of any object, relative to the current coordinates system?
3) is there a command (or function) which displays on screen (or return )the coordinates of the observer, relative to the current coord. system?
Thank for your help