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Mistake identification in .cel scripts

Posted: 28.12.2003, 10:19
I write or make changes to existing .cel scripts (at least I translate the print lines), and sometimes it happens to make some -stupid- mistake, e.g. using characters that scripts don't understand, or something else. :?
Well, the only message given by Celestia is:

Error in Script File
Bad Parameter List :twisted:

Could it be possible to have, just for example, the following line added:

Error in Script File
Bad Parameter List
at Line 147 :D

This is used in many softwares, and I think it could avoid losing lots of time to .cel writers/users. :wink:
Chris, can you help us, please?
Thank you

Andrea :D

Posted: 29.12.2003, 04:21
by Bob Hegwood
Now THERE's an EXCELLENT suggestion...

If you forget a brace in a wait {duration 5.0} command, or ANY command for that matter, you have to investigate the ENTIRE script to discover the error.

Unless, of course, you make one change at a time and try to re-run the script after every change. You can also save a backup copy before you make any changes, but Andrea's suggestion is an EXCELLENT suggestion.

Anybody listening?

Thanks, Bob