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New .cel command: seturl (Cell://URL)

Posted: 03.12.2003, 20:37
by don
Recently, Christophe was kind enough to code a new command for .cel scripting that allows us to use a saved Cell://URL as input. He also modified four existing commands to take a Cell://URL as input. Since this information was buried in another topic, I decided to post it in a topic of it's own so everyone would know about it.

If you can compile Celestia from CVS, then you can use these now. Otherwise, they will be available in the next compiled release of Celestia.

Read the details here:

Thank you Christophe!

-Don G.

Posted: 03.12.2003, 22:09
by maxim
Cool! 8)

If I'd ask for a cell://URL taking a .cell script for executing it, would this be complicated to code into the existing structures?

:P :P :P

Posted: 04.12.2003, 00:33
by don
You want a Cell://URL to execute a script?

Posted: 04.12.2003, 11:42
by MB
Just to illustrate the new tools, here is a provisional draft of the Galileo trip until its arrival to Jupiter. You MUST have at hand the corresponding galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz as well as the galileo and Galileo probes models provided by Jack Higgins. I use the template provided by Don. I hope to clean, and finish the whole trip next weekend.
Sorry for the long script, being on a professional site, I have no way to upload it.

#* Template .CEL Script for Celestia *

# Set Celestia to a "known state"

# Cancel any "follow" or "goto" command that is in progress...
cancel {}

# Note: cancel in ver 1.3.0 does NOT clear Track, Lock or Chase, like the ESC key does,
# so we must do it manually...
select {object ""}
track {} # this works
# chase {} # this does not work
# lock {} # this does not work

# Clear the display of any left-over text...
cls {}

# Do not render the following objects...
renderflags { clear "orbits|constellations|comettails|boundaries" }
renderflags { clear "markers|eclipseshadows|ringshadows|pointstars" }

# Render the following objects...
renderflags { set "cloudmaps|galaxies|planets|stars|nightmaps" }

# Do not label the following objects...
labels { clear "planets|moons|spacecraft|asteroids|constellations" }
labels { clear "stars|galaxies" }

# Label the following objects...
# labels { set "planets|moons|spacecraft|asteroids|constellations" }
# labels { set "stars|galaxies" }

# Set Minimum Orbit Size...
set { name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0 }

# Set Ambient Light Level...
# (0.0 to 1.0 is a good Lo-Hi range)...
set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.10 }

# Set Field of View...
# (Celestia 1.3.0 default value is 45)
# (Celestia 1.3.1 default value is 25)
set { name "FOV" value 25.0 }

# Set Star Distance Limit...
# (Celestia default value is 1000000)
set { name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000 }

# For the next two Magnitude settings, Selden Ball reminds us of the following:
# "A magnitude limit of 6.5 corresponds to what you can see with the naked eye
# on a very dark night away from city lights."

# Set visible star Magnitude...
# (Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0)
setvisibilitylimit { magnitude 6.50 }

# Set Faintest Auto-Magnitude Brightness...
# (Celestia default value is 8.5)
setfaintestautomag45deg { magnitude 8.5 }

# Set Time Rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (A negative value = Reverse time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion)
timerate { rate 1.0 }

# Set Date and Time...
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:

# time { jd JulianDay.JulianTime }


# Script Body - Your code goes here ...
#Launch - 01/nov/89 - 3000 points (leaving earth, going into heliocentric orbit)
#01/feb/90 - 21/feb/90 - 1000 points (10 days before and after Venus gravity assist)
#05/feb/90 - 16/feb/90 - 3000 points (very highres [5 min samples] for 5 days before and after the Venus gravity assist)
#01/dec/90 - 18/dec/90 - 1000 points (9 days before and after the earth-1 gravity assist.)
#07/dec/90 - 10/dec/90 - 4000 points (Portion of earth-1 flyby when Galileo was within the moon's orbit. Required because of Galileo's very close approach to the earth, which I have actually never seen before in 3d!)

#-----------------------------------Presentation ------------------------

timerate { rate 0 }
preloadtex { object "earth" }
preloadtex { object "venus" }
preloadtex { object "gaspra" }
preloadtex { object "ida" }
preloadtex { object "dactyl" }
preloadtex { object "jupiter" }

wait { duration 3.00 }
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol/1989-10-19T01:35:02.91310?x=AAD81EhUTVPiDA&y=CkwAqWhTtj2tAQ&z=
VQrBPe8Pat4H&ow=-0.653005&ox=-0.614833&oy=0.335931&oz=0.287604&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=24.999998&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2999&lm=2"
print { text " The GALILEO TRIP 1989 - 2003 " row -5 column 5 duration 4 }
wait { duration 6.00 }
print { text " Sumarizing the trip " row -5 column 5 duration 4 }
wait { duration 5.00 }
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark {object "Sol/Galileo" size 20 color [0 1 0] }
print { text "The position of Galileo is marked by a green diamon" row -5 column 2 duration 4 }
wait { duration 5.00}
print { text " The GALILEO spacecraft trajectory is in RED" row -3 column 2 duration 4 }
wait { duration 5.00 }
timerate { rate 7000000 }
wait { duration 12.00}

print { text " After 3 kicks given by encounters with Venus and earth (2 times),.\n
the GALILEO trajectory finally wiggles around the Jupiter orbit"
row -5 column 2 duration 8 }
wait { duration 16.00 }
print { text " Good trip ...
.\n Press ESC to end." row -3 column 4 duration 5 }
wait { duration 12.00 }
timerate { rate 0 }
unmark {object "Sol/Galileo"}
renderflags {clear "markers"}

#--------------------------------------------Take Off --------------------------------------

renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets"}

select { object "Sol/galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" }
setframe { ref "#0/Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" target "#0/Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" coordsys "universal"}
time {utc "1989-10-19T01:35:02.91310"}
gotoloc {
time 5
x "c2maCqx0ltfLDA"
y "3iPdow9LtA"
z "r89+vpj3QCf5/////////w"
ow 0.864008
ox 0.362015
oy -0.193154
oz -0.291765

print { text "1989 october 19 at 2H 47 min Galileo leaves the earth, going into a heliocentric orbit. ." row -5 column 2 duration 20 }

wait { duration 8.00 }
timerate { rate 10 }
wait { duration 3.00 }

select { object "#0/earth" }

timerate { rate 100 }
wait { duration 3.00 }
timerate { rate 300 }
wait { duration 3.00 }
timerate { rate 600 }
wait { duration 3.00 }

timerate { rate 1000 }
wait { duration 5.00 }
timerate { rate 2000 }
wait { duration 5.00 }

timerate { rate 5000 }
print { text "Bye Bye ........" row -5 column 2 duration 3 }

wait { duration 5.00}

#----------------------------Venus gravity assist -------------------------------------

#--01/feb/90 - 21/feb/90 - 1000 points (10 days before and after Venus gravity assist)

timerate { rate 0 }
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol/1990-02-02T01:35:02.91310?x=AAAq3EhUTVPiDA&y=CkwQqGhTtj2tAQ&z=VQq6SO8Pat4H&ow=-0.653185&ox=-0.614753&oy=0.334686&oz=0.288814&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=8.000&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=68535&lm=2

wait { duration 2.00 }
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark { object "Sol/Galileo" size 20 color [0 1 0] symbol "diamond" }
mark { object "Venus" color [1 0 1] symbol "square" }
print { text " Next step: February 1990 A first kick is given by the Venus gravity" row -5 column 2 duration 7 }
select { object "#0/Galileo" }
timerate { rate 1000000 }
wait { duration 8.00}
#unmark {object "Sol/Galileo"}
unmarkall {}
timerate { rate 0 }

renderflags {clear "markers|orbits"}
labels { clear "planets"}
wait { duration 2.00}
#change 5 avant
timerate { rate 0 }

seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz/Sol:Venus/1990-02-10T01:10:53.01125?x=jk1kb1plJWqzDA&y=2rZbae7IQKk&z=bAoJ7BYTOCL7/////////w&ow=0.250736&ox=-0.088722&oy=0.950448&oz=0.160960&select=Sol:Venus&fov=24.999996&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2967&lm=0

timerate { rate 2000 }
wait { duration 8.00}
timerate { rate 1000 }
wait { duration 8.00}
timerate { rate 5000 }
wait { duration 10.00}
timerate { rate 50000 }
wait { duration 5.00}
timerate { rate 500000 }
wait { duration 5.00}

#----------------------------------1st Earth Flighby-------------------------------
#01/dec/90 - 18/dec/90 - 1000 points (9 days before and after the earth-1 gravity assist.)
#07/dec/90 - 10/dec/90 - 4000 points (Portion of earth-1 flyby when Galileo was within the moon's orbit. Required because of Galileo's very close approach to the earth, which I have actually never seen before in 3d!)
timerate { rate 0 }

seturl { url "cel://Freeflight/1990-12-08T23:11:11.46183?x=AAB+60hUTVPiDA&y=CkygpmhTtj2tAQ&z=VcoAVO8Pat4H&ow=-0.652427&ox=-0.611317&oy=0.331332&oz=0.301412&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=24.999996&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=68535&lm=2
wait { duration 2.00 }
timerate { rate 1000000 }
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark { object "Sol/Galileo" size 20 color [0 1 0] symbol "diamond" }
mark { object "Earth" color [1 0 1] symbol "square" }

print { text " December 1990: 1st Earth Flighby, Galileo get an additional kick ....." row -5 column 2 duration 7 }
wait { duration 8.00}
timerate { rate 0 }
renderflags {clear "markers|orbits"}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz/Sol:Earth/1990-12-08T14:44:27.30295?x=0cw0S9OgtVbBDA&y=zAakiLXwPP///////////w&z=dJphMpzEzdnw/////////w&ow=-0.045539&ox=-0.655189&oy=0.752894&oz=-0.042476&select=Sol:Red Sun&fov=24.999996&ts=-0.500000<d=0&rf=2967&lm=0
wait { duration 2.00}
labels { clear "planets"}
timerate { rate 2000 }
wait { duration 5.00}
timerate { rate 1000 }
wait { duration 5.00}
timerate { rate 800 }
wait { duration 5.00}
timerate { rate 200 }
wait { duration 20.00}
timerate { rate 500 }
wait { duration 5.00}
timerate { rate 2000 }
wait { duration 5.00}
timerate { rate 10000 }
wait { duration 10.00}
timerate { rate 0 }
wait { duration 2.00 }
seturl { url "cel://Freeflight/1991-10-29T17:21:22.86737?x=AACUGUlUTVPiDA&y=CkwgoWhTtj2tAQ&z=VQoJhe8Pat4H&ow=-0.653005&ox=-0.614833&oy=0.335931&oz=0.287604&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=24.999996&ts=0.030000<d=0&rf=2999&lm=2
wait { duration 2.00 }
timerate { rate 1000000}
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark { object "Sol/Galileo" size 20 color [0 1 0] symbol "diamond" }
mark { object "Sol/Gaspra" color [1 0 1] symbol "square" }
print { text "October 1991 ...A glance at Gaspra " row -5 column 2 duration 6 }
wait { duration 8.00}
unmarkall {}
renderflags {clear "markers|orbits"}
labels { clear "planets"}
timerate { rate 0 }

wait { duration 1.00}
select { object "Sol/galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" }
setframe { ref "#0/Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" target "#0/Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" coordsys "universal"}
wait { duration 2.00}
labels { set "asteroids"}
time {utc "1991-10-29T22:35:33.60571"}
gotoloc {
time 5
x "JyeibJu/S7PFDA"
y "AKe26VMAFz4B"
z "CqpV2cdJltsh"
ow 0.670506
ox 0.125627
oy -0.730580
oz 0.029868
wait { duration 7.00}
labels { clear "asteroids"}
select { object "#0/Gaspra" }
timerate { rate 30 }
wait { duration 8.00}
goto{time 5 distance 5}
wait { duration 8.00}

timerate { rate 0 }
wait { duration 1.00}
seturl { url "cel://Freeflight/1992-12-08T07:56:54.80186?x=AADS6EhUTVPiDA&y=CkzgpmhTtj2tAQ&z=VUpVUu8Pat4H&ow=-0.653005&ox=-0.614833&oy=0.335931&oz=0.287604&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=24.999996&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2999&lm=2
timerate { rate 1000000}
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark { object "Sol/Galileo" size 20 color [0 1 0] symbol "diamond" }
mark { object "Earth" color [1 0 1] symbol "square" }
print { text "December 1992 ...Galileo received a last kick from earth gravity" row -5 column 2 duration 8 }

wait { duration 6.00}
unmarkall {}
renderflags {clear "markers"}

renderflags { clear "orbits"}
labels { clear "planets"}
timerate { rate 0 }

time {utc "1992-12-08T10:15:42.71099"}
gotoloc {
time 5
x "ekFuM4HJM0TBDA"
y "OZcKzhk0cQE"
z "5SemhuFUdNfw/////////w"
ow -0.170230
ox 0.700229
oy 0.584632
oz 0.372701
wait { duration 7.00}
select { object "#0/Earth" }
timerate { rate 3000 }
wait { duration 5.00}

wait { duration 10.00}

# Script Body - Your code goes here ...
#----------------------------------Ida Dactyl-----------------------------------
timerate { rate 0 }
wait { duration 1.00}
seturl { url "cel://Freeflight/1993-08-28T01:35:02.91310?x=AADE5UhUTVPiDA&y=Ckwwp2hTtj2tAQ&z=VYpIT+8Pat4H&ow=-0.653005&ox=-0.614833&oy=0.335931&oz=0.287604&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=21.731487&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2999&lm=2
renderflags {set "markers"}
timerate { rate 1000000}
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark { object "Sol/Galileo" size 20 color [0 1 0] symbol "diamond" }
mark { object "Sol/Ida" color [1 0 1] symbol "square" }
print { text "August 1993 ...A visit to Ida and Dactyl on our way to the Jupiter world " row -5 column 2 duration 8 }
wait { duration 8.00}
timerate { rate 0 }
unmarkall {}
renderflags {clear "markers|orbits"}
labels { clear "planets"}
wait { duration 5.00}
renderflags { clear "orbits"}
time {utc "1993-08-28T16:49:30.06821"}
gotoloc {
time 5
y "QNwkrz+bHCT//////////w"
z "1anG2PrdTTwZ"
ow -0.372689
ox 0.728958
oy -0.192263
oz 0.541071
labels { set "asteroids"}
wait { duration 7.00}
select { object "#0/Ida" }
timerate { rate 30 }
wait { duration 3.00}

labels { clear "asteroids|planets"}

wait { duration 15.00}

timerate { rate 0 }
wait { duration 3.00}

seturl { url "cel://Freeflight/1995-07-27T09:52:37.91999?x=AADA6EhUTVPiDA&y=CkzgpmhTtj2tAQ&
&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=24.999996&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2999&lm=2"}
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark {object "Sol/Galileo HIGH DETAIL" size 20 color [0 1 0] symbol "diamond" }
center{ duration 2.00}
print { text "July 1995...Our final approach of the Jupiter world " row -5 column 2 duration 8 }
labels { set "spacecrafts"}
wait { duration 2.00}
timerate { rate 700000 }
wait { duration 10.00}
timerate { rate 0 }
renderflags { clear "orbits"}

#-----------------------------------Galileo probe---------------------------------seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz/1995-07-27T10:02:04.16330?x=ZQPqIm2X6aqvDA&y=NZALMhAZGyw&z=uhostOuWl1hS&ow=0.009570&ox=0.592471&oy=0.805193&oz=0.023456&track=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&select=Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz&fov=1.118290&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=68503&lm=64
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz/1995-07-27T09:52:37.91999?x=Gl5iuKrozqqvDA&y=wYm8hIBDGiw&z=ckFygRU8kFhS&ow=-0.026942&ox=-0.630866&oy=0.774950&oz=0.027089&fov=25.493660&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2967&lm=66
wait { duration 3}
renderflags {set "markers"}
mark { object "Sol/Galileo Probe" color [1 0 1] symbol "square" }
print { text " July 27 1995...The Galileo Probe is released \n lets see its entry into the Jupiter layers" row -3 column 2 duration 12 }
wait { duration 5}
select { object "#0/Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" }
goto{time 5 distance 0.1}
wait { duration 3}
select { object "#0/Galileo Probe" }
goto{time 4 distance 100}
wait { duration 5}
goto{time 4 distance 7}
unmarkall {}
renderflags {clear "markers"}
labels { clear "spacecrafts|planets"}

wait { duration 5}

setframe { ref "#0/Galileo Probe" target "#0/Galileo Probe" coordsys "universal"}
time {utc "1995-07-27T09:52:37.91999"}
gotoloc {
time 5
x "3msuDIW/zqqvDA"
y "1mDijGTpGSw"
z "wxxGlO91l1hS"
ow 0.792441
ox 0.094923
oy -0.576241
oz 0.175993
wait { duration 7.00}
select { object "#0/Jupiter" }
labels { set "planets"}

timerate { rate 30000 }
wait { duration 2}
timerate { rate 60000 }
labels { clear "moons|planets|spacecrafts"}

wait { duration 3}
timerate { rate 120000 }

wait { duration 4}
timerate { rate 2000000 }
#timerate { rate 0 }

seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Galileo Probe/Sol:Jupiter/1995-12-06T11:25:22.14826?x=igwIE5M9v223DA&y=dJitb127+Hk&z=TqAeZhXeFyVT&ow=0.727710&ox=0.121525&oy=-0.657170&oz=0.154264&select=Sol:Jupiter&fov=24.999996&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2967&lm=0
timerate { rate 8000 }
wait { duration 10}
timerate { rate 4000 }
print { text " Now, Slow down to see the Galileo probe enters into Jupiter" row -3 column 2 duration 12 }
wait { duration 8}
timerate { rate 1000 }
wait { duration 8}

seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Galileo Probe/Sol:Jupiter/1995-12-07T19:36:42.59641?x=HnGomubj62O3DA&y=jy4U6398fnw&z=baWtjzglUiVT&ow=-0.430564&ox=-0.177261&oy=0.882160&oz=-0.070617&select=Sol:Jupiter&fov=24.999996&ts=0.000000<d=0&rf=2967&lm=0
timerate { rate 500 }
wait { duration 15}
timerate { rate 100 }
wait { duration 10}
timerate { rate 50 }
wait { duration 5}
timerate { rate 20 }
wait { duration 5}
timerate { rate 50 }
wait { duration 10}
cancel {}
#Provisional end

# End of Script - Let the user know the script is done running ...

Posted: 04.12.2003, 18:00
by JackHiggins
Er... I'm getting a "seturl" error as soon as it opens- and I have the cvs version with a fixed callisto orbit- don't tell me that's out of date already?!! :)

Posted: 05.12.2003, 04:29
by don
MB wrote:Just to illustrate the new tools, here is a provisional draft of the Galileo trip until its arrival to Jupiter. You MUST have at hand the corresponding galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz as well as the galileo and Galileo probes models provided by Jack Higgins.

Thanks for the peek MB! Looks like a great start!

I think a galileo probe model comes with the basic Celestia package (at least the current CVS has one). However, the existing file *does* need to be replaced with Jack's.

You might want to try centering Sol a little better before saving the Cell://URL, as the orbit paths of two outer planets is all I see when starting the script (on my display anyway - 1024x768).

-Don G.

Posted: 05.12.2003, 04:32
by don
JackHiggins wrote:Er... I'm getting a "seturl" error as soon as it opens- and I have the cvs version with a fixed callisto orbit- don't tell me that's out of date already?!! :)

Howdy Jack,

Are you using the Windows CVS? I just tested it, and it does work on Win XP with yesterday's CVS.

If you're using Linux, then Christophe posted a link to a patch for it on the topic link I posted earlier.

Let us know how it goes!

-Don G.

Posted: 05.12.2003, 09:16
by MB
Thank you for your points, I realized the bad centering of the sun just recently. Of course, I will clean up everything and gives appropiate links when finished. Now I have to deal with the problems of trajectory accuracies as discussed by Jack.
Concerning the problems of Jack with the "new code" , As for you, the CVS version works well. I have no problem with either Linux or Win XPversion. If I remember well the thread of Jack, Chris directly sent an .exe to Jack?

Posted: 05.12.2003, 09:38
by maxim
don wrote:You want a Cell://URL to execute a script?

Yes, I would like that!!
Clicking on a cell:// link would not only set me to a certain view, but start a whole little script. This would allow me to do metascripting with javascript for example. The '-once' command already provides the basics for such a method. To my opinion, there's only the cell://URL parser that has to recognize an additional input pattern and hand it over to the same code that handles '-once'. (Well, I'm only guessing by now - havent looked at the code yet).

Posted: 05.12.2003, 10:58
by don
maxim wrote:
don wrote:You want a Cell://URL to execute a script?
Yes, I would like that!!

Just wanted to make sure what you were asking about.

It sounds like an interesting idea, but it will be up to the developers to decide if it is good for Celestia, and then how and when to add it.

-Don G.