translation script CEL CELX

All about writing scripts for Celestia in Lua and the .cel system
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gironde M
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translation script CEL CELX

Post #1by gironde » 30.08.2018, 07:52

I translated in french some CEL and CELX scripts that are on Motherlode and used among other things in Lut5.

The archives are accompanied by the file lua to replace that of Lut5.The language _fr is preselected in this file but you can select another by removing '--' before the one you want to use and adding '--' in front of the one you do not want to use.

for example :

for language:

Code: Select all

Earth_Launch =
--script = "earth_launch.cel" -- english
--script = "earth_launch_ru.cel" -- Russian
script = "earth_launch_en.cel" -- french


for _ru:

Code: Select all

Earth_Launch =
--script = "earth_launch.cel"-- english
script = "earth_launch_ru.cel" -- Russian
--script = "earth_launch_en.cel" -- french


for _en :

Code: Select all

Earth_Launch =
script = "earth_launch.cel"-- english
--script = "earth_launch_ru.cel" -- Russian
--script = "earth_launch_en.cel" -- french

Note that the old Russian file must be renamed "earth_launch_ru.cel"

and that "earth_launch.cel" becomes the standard file in language _en

_En files can be downloaded from Motherlode


Added after 36 minutes 50 seconds:

this script is not in Lut5 / adds but you can add it by modifying config.lua in the adds section:

Code: Select all

adds =
"Earth_Launch", - celx translated
"Mars_Tour", - celx translated
"Jupiter_Tour", - celx translated

In this script, I changed the rental name of 'Gipul Catena Start' and 'Gipul Catena End' to take up less space on the screen, and I added these 2 slots in the rental files of Callisto

in script :

Code: Select all

gotolonglat {time 4.0 distance 3.5 longitude -48.2 latitude 70.2}
wait {duration 4.0}
print {text "This is the Gipul Catena." row -4 column 1 duration 4.0}
mark {object "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto/Gipul Catena" size 20 color [255 255 255] symbol "x"}
wait {duration 4.0}
unmark {object "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto/Gipul Catena"}
wait {duration 2.0}
gotolonglat {time 4.0 distance 2.5 longitude -48.2 latitude 70.2}
wait {duration 4.0}
print {text "A Catena is simply a chain of craters, but you'll notice that\nTHIS catena is arranged in an almost perfectly straight line." row -4 column 1 duration 8.0}
wait {duration 10.0}
print {text "This line of craters is 620 kilometers long!" row -4 column 1 duration 6.0}
wait {duration 8.0}
print {text "It start's HERE..." row -4 column 1 duration 4.0}
mark {object "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto/Gipul Start" size 20 color [255 255 255] symbol "plus"} -- ******************************
wait {duration 6.0}
print {text "And it ends HERE..." row -4 column 1 duration 4.0}
mark {object "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto/Gipul End" size 20 color [255 255 255] symbol "plus"} -- *****************************
wait {duration 6.0}
unmark {object "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto/Gipul Start"} -- ******************************
unmark {object "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto/Gipul End"} -- ******************************
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Interesting... Yes?" row -4 column 1 duration 6.0}
wait {duration 8.0}
print {text "This catena is believed to have been\ncreated by a tidally-disrupted comet." row -4 column 1 duration 8.0}
wait {duration 10.0}
gotolonglat {time 4.0 distance 3.5 longitude -48.2 latitude 70.2}
wait {duration 4.0}

in Callisto Catena location file:

Code: Select all

Location "Gipul Catena" "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto" # original name: Gipul Catena
   LabelColor [ 0.188 0.380 0.420 ]
   LongLat [ 305.8 68.5 0 ]
   Size 641
   Type "CA"
Location "Gipul Start" "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto"
   LabelColor [ 0.188 0.380 0.420 ]
    LongLat [ -36.0 72.7 0 ]
    Size 20
   Type "CA"
Location "Gipul End" "Sol/Jupiter/Callisto"
   LabelColor [ 0.188 0.380 0.420 ]
    LongLat [ -67 63.6 0 ] # LongLat [ -64.5 65.6 0 ]
    Size 20
   Type "CA"

If your LabelColor is not the same of mine, keep your.
On Motherlode, others language : German, Dutch, Korean
There is no Russian translation. If anyone can do it, it'll be fine

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Topic author
gironde M
Posts: 851
Joined: 16.12.2016
Age: 72
With us: 7 years 11 months
Location: Montigny-Les-Metz, France

Post #2by gironde » 12.09.2018, 12:56

Here is Neptune_Tour.cel in french.

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Topic author
gironde M
Posts: 851
Joined: 16.12.2016
Age: 72
With us: 7 years 11 months
Location: Montigny-Les-Metz, France

Post #3by gironde » 16.09.2018, 10:25

Here is Earth_Tour_fr and Venus_Tour_fr
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Topic author
gironde M
Posts: 851
Joined: 16.12.2016
Age: 72
With us: 7 years 11 months
Location: Montigny-Les-Metz, France

Post #4by gironde » 17.09.2018, 19:40

Here is Mercury_Tour translated in french
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