Reading the cel://URL repository with Celestia 1.5.1

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Reading the cel://URL repository with Celestia 1.5.1

Post #1by jogad » 13.11.2008, 16:37


In this forum we have a sticky cel://URL repository. I have had the curiosity to look at it but unfortunately the links didn’t work.
Searching in the forum I learnt that the coordinate system was changed. But no mean to really resolve that issue was given (or I miss it).

So, until the next version of Celestia brings a solution, I began to work on that.

I don’t know how to use scripts (shame on me) so I have tweaked Celestia itself.

I can see now most of the Urls of the Favorite Celestia views repository.
The precision is excellent except for objects whose position has been redefined from old version to v1.5.1.
The positions of Cassini, Galileo, Voyager 1 and 2, and are surprisingly correct. This is also true for addons like Star Wars where I get an error less than 10 centimeters on the location of the Millenium Falcon.
Things are worse for other Earth satellites like ISS, Hubble… and the Moon ! We can expect here an error up to 1 km. This error is negligible for the Moon, but it is enough to miss the other satellites with are much more smaller.

I don’t know if all that is useful for you or not. If it is, I could send the file.
I tried to upload it, but its size (2.5 MB) is too big, and I don't kwow how to proceed.

I don’t either know what possibilities are offered by scripts. I guess they are powerful and maybe a more efficient solution will be given by scripts.
Of course if there were an interest, I’d be glad to explain the method that I follow, even if results are incomplete.

Once compressed with winzip the file is only 1.17 MB. But the message says now : no more than 512 KB. Strange...

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