Double planet

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Double planet

Post #1by NuclearVacuum » 09.10.2008, 01:04

I wish to know the coding required to make a double planet system (similar to how Pluto and Charon orbit each other).
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Re: Double planet

Post #2by selden » 09.10.2008, 12:00

You should take a look at the definition of Pluto and Charon in Celestia's catalog file for the solar system: Celestia/data/solarsys.ssc
It's a plain text file.

Documentation for SolarSystemCatalog files is available on the MotherLode at ... ation.html
and in the Celestia WikiBook at

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Re: Double planet

Post #3by NuclearVacuum » 10.10.2008, 13:43

Ooh, I got it. Is there a reason that there is no orbital plan for a double planet? When you look at the orbits of the other planets, the plane of a double planet is not shown, unless you click on it.
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