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Posted: 08.10.2008, 04:22
by Paul L

This is driving me crazy. Is there a way to simulate the centre/orbit (shift + c) command in a script ? I'm trying various combinations of "centre", "lock" and "follow" without success, and I'm hoping to avoid the necessity to specify coordinates for my reference object.

Many thanks,


Re: centre/orbit

Posted: 08.10.2008, 12:00
by Vincent
The observer:centerorbit Celx function is what you're looking for.
Please have a look at the Celx scripting chapter of the Celestia wikibook.

Re: centre/orbit

Posted: 08.10.2008, 12:06
by Adirondack
Paul L,

if you want to do this with a CEL script:

Code: Select all

select { "Objectname" }
center { }


Re: centre/orbit

Posted: 09.10.2008, 01:36
by Paul L
If I use "centre" I lose my reference object (I wish to follow both objects as if I was using "lock" and then "centre/orbit" - shift + c.

I'll take a look at the lua stuff, but was hoping there was a way of doing this in a CEL script.

Thanks for your replies.
