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Another STUPID Question!

Posted: 23.06.2008, 15:38
by BobHegwood
Okay, you already know that I'm Brain-Dead, so I'll just skip to the point of this message... :wink:

The following can be used to clear all of the labels associated with the respective objects.

Code: Select all

labels {clear "moons|planets|spacecraft|stars|nebulae"}
labels {clear "asteroids|comets|constellations|galaxies|openclusters"}

What I'd like to be able to do involves the location labels.
Is there any way to control these from within a CEL script, or a CELX script which can be called from within a CEL script?
In other words, I would very much like to be able to clear the labels associated with cities, craters, etc. Perhaps in the
following manner:

Code: Select all

locations {clear "cities|craters"}

Is possible yet? Am I missing something obvious here? :roll:
I know that we can press the "&" to remove ALL of the location labels, but I'm curious to know how one goes about controlling each of these items.
Any help here?

Re: Another STUPID Question!

Posted: 23.06.2008, 22:19
by Adirondack

I'm afraid that this is not possible (yet).

You only can use

Code: Select all

labels {set "locations"}
labels {clear "locations"}


Re: Another STUPID Question!

Posted: 23.06.2008, 23:12
by BobHegwood
Adirondack wrote:

Code: Select all

labels {set "locations"}
labels {clear "locations"}


Well, that's more than I did know. :wink:
I have played with Celestia for over 5 years now, and I didn't know you could clear locations as you have shown here. :roll:

Thanks very much for this tip, Ulrich.

Re: Another STUPID Question!

Posted: 24.06.2008, 09:59
by Adirondack
BobHegwood wrote:I have played with Celestia for over 5 years now, and I didn't know you could clear locations as you have shown here. :roll:
Well Bob,
that's not surprisingly since you are a brain dead old geezer. :wink: :lol:
In fact, this is a new label setting for Celestia 1.5.x and will not work with 1.4.1 or sooner.


Re: Another STUPID Question!

Posted: 24.06.2008, 12:05
by BobHegwood
Adirondack wrote:In fact, this is a new label setting for Celestia 1.5.x and will not work with 1.4.1 or sooner.

Well thanks again, my friend...
I'm always simply amazed at the current repositories (and depths) of the information available around here. :D

If anyone else is interested, you can download my latest start.cel script by clicking HERE. This version adds more control over how your Celestia program opens initially. See the ReadMe.txt file and the code itself for better understanding of what you can now control. This means at least as far as *I* know. :roll:

Definitely Brain-Dead Bob :wink: