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Printed Text Coloring?

Posted: 11.06.2008, 15:26
by BobHegwood
Just curious here...

Have done a search (or two) for this question, but found no satisfactory answer, so if it has been addressed, please forgive my usual stupidity. :roll:

What I'd really like to know is can the printed output displayed on the screen by either a CEL script or a CELX script (i.e. -print {text "TEST" row -4 column 1 duration 10.0}) be configured so that it can be displayed in a color other than white? Would really like to use some black text in a script, but I'm afraid I haven't been able to locate how to do this yet.

Is possible?

Thanks, Brain-Dead

Re: Printed Text Coloring?

Posted: 19.06.2008, 19:49
by BobHegwood
I guess not... :wink:
Look out feature requests... Here I come again! :)