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viewing in all directions

Posted: 23.06.2007, 16:48
by selden
Maybe this should be in the Addons section? ;)

I've written a .CELX script which displays what can be seen in all six directions around the viewpoint.

It's by no means the best possible implementation, but at least it works!
The script asks you if it should display the surroundings using either 6 or 9 panes. 6 panes run faster, but 9 make it clearer which pane is displaying which viewpoint direction.

(This is an example of a script which needs to be able to specify which "view" is to be the "active" one. When splitting viewpanes, the active view is always the bottom-most, left-most pane. This script works best if the active view is the center pane.) ... 6view.celx

Here is how it looks with 9 panes and with the Celestial grid enabled (another option it asks you about) so you can verify it's doing the right thing.


Posted: 23.06.2007, 16:59
by Cham

you're doing modern art, Selden !

When will you expose this to MoMa ? :P

By the way, do you notice the defect on the Celestial Grid coordinates, on the second line, last row ?

Posted: 23.06.2007, 17:07
by selden

Yes, I discovered some numbers were missing from the grid just before you made your posting about that problem. I suspect the fix is relatively easy.

Posted: 23.06.2007, 17:10
by selden
This script could not have existed without the help provided by Vincent and Hank in other threads. Thanks, guys!

Posted: 23.06.2007, 17:11
by Cham
And here's the alien probe which sees in all directions :

