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Code: Select all
print {text "Please wait... Connection...\nTebenkos company presents...\nTwinSoft Inc" origin "center" column -5 row 7 duration 6}
renderflags { clear "atmospheres|automag|boundaries|cloudmaps|comettails|constellations|eclipseshadows|galaxies|grid|markers|nightmaps|orbits|planets|pointstars|ringshadows|stars"}
labels { clear "asteroids|comets|constellations|galaxies|moons|planets|spacecraft|stars"}
unmarkall {}
wait { duration 5}
cls {}
wait { duration 1}
select {object "milky way" }
gotolonglat {distance 9.0 longitude -45 latitude 20}
wait { duration 1}
renderflags { set "galaxies"}
print {text "About galaxy" origin "left" column 2 row 3 duration 6}
wait { duration 2}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ]
rate 30
duration 5 }
print {text "About galaxy 2" origin "left" column 2 row 3 duration 6}
wait { duration 3}
labels { set "galaxies"}
orbit { axis [ 2 0 0 ]
rate 30
duration 2.6 }
orbit { axis [ 0 0 2 ]
rate 30
duration 5 }
print {text "About 3 galaxy" origin "left" column 2 row -5 duration 6}
wait { duration 4}
goto {duration 4 distance 13}
orbit { axis [ 0 2 0 ]
rate 30
duration 7 }
print {text "About solar system" origin "left" column 2 row -2 duration 10}
wait {duration 2}
setfaintestautomag45deg { magnitude 8.0 }
renderflags { set "stars|markers"}
select {object "Sol" }
mark{ object "Sol"
size 40.0
color [0 1 0]
symbol "square" }
goto {time 25 distance 7}
wait {duration 10}
labels { clear "galaxies"}
wait {duration 6}
print { text "About sol"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 6
wait {duration 5}
timerate { rate 0 }
rotate { duration 3
rate 2
axis [8 8 8] }
wait {duration 2}
print { text "About stars"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 6
rotate { duration 4
rate 2
axis [8 8 8] }
rotate { duration 3
rate 2
axis [8 8 8] }
print { text "About stars 2"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 7
gotolonglat { time 20
distance 100000
longitude 0
latitude 90 }
wait {duration 15}
renderflags { set "orbits|planets"}
labels {set "planets"}
print { text "About solar system"
row -15 column 1
duration 4
wait {duration 5}
timerate { rate 10000000 }
print { text "Speed X 10000000"
row -5 column 30
duration 2
wait {duration 2}
print { text "text"
row -5 column 1
duration 3
wait {duration 4}
print { text "text"
row -5 column 1
duration 5
goto {
time 16
distance 2857
wait {duration 18}
print { text "text"
row -5 column 1
duration 5
wait {duration 3}
goto { time 5
distance 100000
wait {duration 6}
timerate { rate 1000000000 }
print { text "Speed X 1000000000"
row -5 column 30
duration 2
wait {duration 3}
goto {
time 3
distance 2857
wait {duration 6}
goto { time 3
distance 100000
wait {duration 1}
timerate { rate 0 }
print { text "Speed realtime"
row -5 column 30
duration 2
wait {duration 3}
##################PART3############# (MERCURY)
renderflags { clear "orbits|markers"}
labels { clear "galaxies"}
renderflags { set "galaxies|planets|stars"}
labels { set "planets|stars"}
timerate { rate 0 }
unmarkall {}
select {
object "Mercury"
gotolonglat {distance 9.0 longitude 0 latitude 0
time 9}
wait {duration 10} #10
print {text "Mercury... All about" origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 6}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ]
rate 30
duration 12 }
print {text "Mercury... All about 2 " origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 6}
wait {duration 3}
select {
object "Sol"
gotolonglat {distance 400 longitude 60 latitude 35
time 5}
wait {duration 6}
select {
object "Mercury"
renderflags { set "orbits"}
print {text "Mercury... All about 2 " origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 3}
wait {duration 3}
timerate { rate 10000 }
print {text "SPEED x 10000 " origin "center" column 1 row 2 duration 2}
wait {duration 3}
timerate { rate 1000000 }
print {text "SPEED x 1000000 " origin "center" column 1 row 2 duration 2}
wait {duration 3}
timerate { rate 1 }
print {text "SPEED REALTIME " origin "center" column 1 row 2 duration 2}
wait {duration 3}
print {text "Mercury... All about 2 " origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 4}
wait {duration 5}
print {text "Start VENUS " origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 4}
select {
object "Venus"
gotolonglat {distance 140700 longitude 45 latitude 45 time 10 }
wait {duration 10}
print {text "About VENUS 1 " origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 5}
wait {duration 4}
gotolonglat {distance 9.0 longitude 0 latitude 0
time 7}
wait {duration 5}
renderflags { clear "orbits"}
wait {duration 2}
print {text "About VENUS 3" origin "left" column 1 row 7 duration 4}
wait {duration 5}
print {text "Lets have a look around Venus" origin "left" column 1 row 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 1 1 1 ]
rate 30
duration 12 }
print {text "text" origin "left" column 1 row 2 duration 4}
wait {duration 5}
print {text "Podoroz do EARTH" origin "left" column 1 row 1 duration 3}
select {
object "Earth"
gotolonglat {distance 115304.04766 longitude -46.97572 latitude -42.40289
time 15}
wait {duration 12}
renderflags { set "orbits"}
wait {duration 4}
print {text "EARTH 3 vid sonca" origin "left" column 1 row 1 duration 3}
chase {
chase "cel://Chase/Sol:Earth:Moon/2004-06-18T23:52:25.45421?x=4O/tRdjxFRe9DA&y=Gjek9BgxYv7//////////w&z=VVoLa31FBhcQ&ow=-0.989363&ox=0.047153&oy=-0.113197&oz=0.078252&select=Sol:Earth:Moon&fov=25.745911&ts=100000.000000<d=0&rf=2967&lm=49156"
timerate { rate 3000000}
print {text "SPEED X 3000000" origin "center" column 1 row 2 duration 2}
wait {duration 3}
print {text "Vidno yak earth obertaetsa kruh Sol" origin "left" column 1 row 2 duration 3}
wait {duration 4}
timerate { rate 300000}
print {text "SPEED X 300000" origin "center" column 1 row 2 duration 2}
wait {duration 3}
gotolonglat {distance 115304.04766 longitude 73 latitude -87.15862 time 4}
orbit { axis [ 3 5 4 ]
rate 1
duration 50 }
print {text "About EARTH" origin "left" column 1 row 2 duration 4}
wait {duration 5}
timerate { rate 1}
gotolonglat {distance 94099 longitude 23.58172 latitude -44.01831 time 10}
wait{duration 10}
renderflags { set "cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "orbits"}
select {
object "Earth"
gotolonglat { time 15
distance 6
longitude 0
latitude 90 } #time 15
wait {duration 16} #16
print { text "It is our earth..."
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
wait {duration 4}
print { text "About EART"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
wait {duration 4}
print { text "Lets have look around"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
orbit { axis [1 1 1 ]
rate 10
duration 20 }
gotolonglat { time 6
distance 6
longitude 77.28123
latitude 30.46017 }
wait{duration 7}
print { text "This is EARTH from 38894.4 km"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
wait{duration 4}
renderflags { clear "cloudmaps"}
print { text "This is EARTH without clouds"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
wait{duration 4}
renderflags { set "cloudmaps"}
select {
object "Moon"
print { text "Moon - is... And now about Moon"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
wait {duration 4}
gotolonglat { time 10
distance 6.5
longitude 0
latitude 90 }
wait{duration 11}
print { text "Lets have look around"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 3
orbit { axis [1 1 1 ]
rate 10
duration 15 }
print { text "About Moon 2"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 4
wait {duration 5}
gotolonglat { time 6
distance 2176.9
longitude -123.39415
latitude -65.13420 }
wait{duration 7}
print { text "About Moon 3"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 4
renderflags { set "orbits"}
chase {}
timerate { rate 100000 }
print { text "Speed X 100000"
row -5 column 30
duration 2
wait{duration 4}
print { text "About Moon 4"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 4
orbit { axis [1 1 1 ]
rate 10
duration 15 }
timerate { rate 0 }
print { text "About Moon 5"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 6
wait {duration 7}
select {
object "Earth"
gotolonglat { time 7
distance 6.6
longitude 0
latitude 90 }
wait {duration 3}
renderflags { set "orbits"}
wait {duration 5}
print { text "About EARTH 1"
row -15 column 1 origion "left"
duration 4
wait {duration 5}
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)