Check out my Celestia web page for more scripts, functions, helpful guides, and more (
-Don G.
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-- Don G's Celx/Lua getUserInput Function *
-- (version 1.0) *
-- *
-- This function allows the user to enter a single line of text in reply *
-- to your prompt for information. *
-- *
-- Global Variables *
userKeypress = "" -- Used with keyboard entry
-- Keyboard Input Callback *
-- *
-- This function is called automatically by Celestia when celestia: *
-- requestkeyboard() is set to true. *
-- *
function celestia_keyboard_callback(char)
userKeypress = char
return true -- Tell Celestia we will handle this keypress
-- getUserInput from the keyboard *
-- *
-- This function allows the user to enter a single line of text in reply *
-- to your prompt for information ('prompt' is a string value). *
function getUserInput(prompt)
local inputLine = ""
if prompt == nil then
celestia:print("getUserInput Error: Please include prompt text.",
5, -1, -1, 1, 5)
return ""
origTimeScale = celestia:gettimescale() -- Get the current time-scale
celestia:settimescale(0) -- Pause time
userKeypress = "" -- Clear the userKeypress var
celestia:requestkeyboard(true) -- Enable keyboard input
while true do -- Loop until we get Enter key
-- Display the prompt...
celestia:print(prompt .. inputLine, 100, -1, -1, 1, 5)
-- What key did the user press...
if userKeypress == "\013" then -- Enter key, we're done
elseif userKeypress == "\008" then -- Backspace key, remove last char
local strlen = string.len(inputLine)
if strlen <= 1 then
inputLine = ""
inputLine = string.sub(inputLine, 1, strlen - 1)
else -- Add the character to inputLine...
inputLine = inputLine .. userKeypress
userKeypress = ""
celestia:requestkeyboard(false) -- Disable keyboard input
celestia:settimescale(origTimeScale) -- Reset the time scale
return inputLine
-- EXAMPLE of how to use this function *
-- Call the function. The text is used as the user prompt...
userInput = getUserInput("Enter text (then press ENTER): ")
-- The user pressed the ENTER key, so let's see what we got...
if userInput ~= "" then
celestia:flash("Text entered: " .. userInput, 5)
wait (5)
celestia:flash("No text was entered.", 5)
wait (5)
celestia:flash("End of script.", 3)
wait (3)