I am completelly newby to the celestia but i know if any i try to control celestia via Open Sound Control (http://opensoundcontrol.org/introduction-osc) with a lua script (http://luaforge.net/projects/luaosc/)
Other possibility it?s this: (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Celestia/Scripting)
Other Languages
You can use any other language you want if it can pass commands to the operating system's command interpreter. It can issue the command to run Celestia and can include on that command line the instruction to run a .CEL Celestia script or .CELX Lua script.
When invoked from a command line, Celestia can be passed the name of a .CEL or .CELX script to run at startup:
./celestia --url name-of-script.cel
When the command line includes the qualifier "--once", the command line will be passed to the running copy of Celestia instead of starting a new copy of the program. (note: use two hyphens)
./celestia --once --url name-of-script.celx
(Starting with Celestia v1.3.1, scripts may be in any folder. Previously they had to be in Celestia's "root" folder.)
But don't understant. It's possible to pass any command to control celestia in a infinite loop of a command line?
Thanks a lot.