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I like cookies

Posted: 28.01.2006, 16:22
by Bowserjoe
I like cookies! 8O :D

Posted: 28.01.2006, 16:54
by ElChristou

Posted: 28.01.2006, 18:28
by suwalski
I could sure use a cookie right now.

Re: I like cookies

Posted: 29.01.2006, 01:09
by rthorvald
Bowserjoe wrote:I like cookies! 8O :D

Well, then you are in luck, as this Bulletin Board probably just gave your computer one.

- rthorvald

Re: I like cookies

Posted: 29.01.2006, 15:13
by BrainDead
rthorvald wrote:Well, then you are in luck, as this Bulletin Board probably just gave your computer one.

- rthorvald

It did if he wishes to keep track of what messages have been added since
the last time he felt the need to post a worthless bit of wisdom.

Posted: 29.01.2006, 21:13
by Hunter Parasite
Who doesn't like cookies? everyone likes cookies.

Posted: 30.01.2006, 10:33
by Fightspit
Hunter Parasite wrote:I like me.

Who wants to eat Hunter Parasite (except himself) ? 8O

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 03.02.2006, 01:54
by Hunter Parasite
i have a slightly salty aftertaste!

Posted: 18.02.2006, 05:43
by WildMoon
I like cookies more than the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. I would sometimes get jealous at how he could just eat a whole plate of cookies and not get in trouble. :|

Hey, Hunter...are you going to eat that arm? Cause if you're not then I will...can I have your head as a desert too? :wink:

Posted: 06.03.2006, 00:33
by WOWspaceISbig
Cookies and parasitic life forms...what a great combo! :D

Posted: 07.03.2006, 00:41
by Hunter Parasite
WOWspaceISbig wrote:Cookies and parasitic life forms...what a great combo! :D
