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How do you spell....

Posted: 22.12.2005, 00:25
by Hunter Parasite
Camoflage? Is it Camouflage, Camoflauge, or Camoflage?

Re: How do you spell....

Posted: 22.12.2005, 00:31
by Malenfant
Hunter Parasite wrote:Camoflage? Is it Camouflage, Camoflauge, or Camoflage?


Posted: 22.12.2005, 00:32
by Hunter Parasite
son of a gun. If i become supreme ruler of the earth and everyone on it, im going to decree that camoflauge is spelled the way i just spelled it. :) oh well...

Posted: 22.12.2005, 02:53
by julesstoop
camouflage |??kam?™??fl?¤ zh; -??fl?¤j| noun the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings : on the trenches were pieces of turf, which served for camouflage | [as adj. ] camouflage nets. ?€? the clothing or materials used for such a purpose : figures dressed in army camouflage. ?€? an animal's natural coloring or form that enables it to blend in with its surroundings : the whiteness of polar bears provides camouflage. ?€? figurative actions or devices intended to disguise or mislead : much of my apparent indifference was merely protective camouflage. verb [ trans. ] (often be camouflaged) hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage : the war area had to be camouflaged with mud | figurative grievances should be discussed, not camouflaged. ORIGIN World War I: from French, from camoufler ?€?to disguise?€™ (originally thieves' slang), from Italian camuffare ?€?disguise, deceive,?€™ perhaps by association with French camouflet ?€?whiff of smoke in the face.?€™

camouflage noun 1 pieces of mossy turf served for camouflage disguise, concealment, cover, screen. 2 her indifference was merely camouflage a facade, a front, a false front, a smokescreen, a cover-up, a mask, a blind, a screen, a masquerade, a dissimulation, a pretense. verb the van was camouflaged with branches disguise, hide, conceal, keep hidden, mask, screen, cover (up).

attention |?™??ten sh ?™n| noun 1 notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important : he drew attention to three spelling mistakes | you've never paid that much attention to her opinions. ?€? the mental faculty of considering or taking notice of someone or something : he turned his attention to the educational system. 2 the action of dealing with or taking special care of someone or something : the business needed her attention | he failed to give the patient adequate medical attention. ?€? ( attentions) a person's interest in someone, esp. when unwelcome or regarded as excessive : his primary aim was to avoid the attentions of the newspapers. ?€? ( attentions) a person's actions intended to express interest of a sexual or romantic nature in someone, sometimes when unwelcome : she felt flattered by his attentions. 3 Military a position assumed by a soldier, standing very straight with the heels together and the arms straight down the sides of the body : the squadron stood to attention when we arrived | midshipmen standing at attention. ?€? [as exclam. ] an order to assume such a position. DERIVATIVES attentional |- sh ?™nl| adjective ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin attentio(n-), from the verb attendere (see attend ).

attention noun 1 the issue needs further attention consideration, contemplation, deliberation, thought, study, observation, scrutiny, investigation, action. 2 he tried to attract the attention of a policeman awareness, notice, observation, heed, regard, scrutiny, surveillance. 3 adequate medical attention care, treatment, ministration, succor, relief, aid, help, assistance. 4 (attentions) : he was effusive in his attentions overtures, approaches, suit, wooing, courting; compliments, flattery; courtesy, politeness.

Posted: 22.12.2005, 12:29
by t00fri
Hunter Parasite wrote:son of a gun. If i become supreme ruler of the earth and everyone on it, im going to decree that camoflauge is spelled the way i just spelled it. :) oh well...

Then you'd demonstrate to everyone that you are entirely uneducated. Camouflage is of French origin, hence its spelling. Don't you learn such things in school?

Bye Fridger

Posted: 22.12.2005, 23:29
by Hunter Parasite