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Planets in Star Trek and Their Positions Around REAL Stars

Posted: 20.10.2005, 16:37
by Trek Fighter
"From the earliest days of explorations, there has always been one tried-and-true way to navigate through uncharted reaches and one to find the way home -- the stars. Ancient mariners prized their star charts, knowing that they could guide them safely into a friendly port or lead them to the reaches of the mysterious East. Modes of transportation have changes but the stars are still our constant. When man took his first step into space armed with the very latest in computers, he took with him the same tool for reading the stars that the men who sailed under canvas carried.

When humans launched the first ship designed for long-range missions into the deep waters of interstellar space, the Vulcan High Command provided their star charts for the Enterprise. But Jonathan Archer was not content with relying on the known. Although he used the Vulcan charts, he also added to them, and greatly expanded Starfleet's knowledge of the galaxy. Every generation of starship captain that followed has built on Archer's first steps.

Follow the course set by Archer, Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. Relive their extraordinary adventures as you find here, for the first time, the star maps that chart the routes these famous explorers took."

Alpha Quadrant

"That the central meridian dividing the Milky Way Galaxy falls through Earth's solar systemis just a conceit of the mapmaker's art; it could as easily have been drown through the homeworlds of any of the great powers that make up the Alpha Quadrant, including the Cardassian Union, the Ferengi Alliance, the Tholian Assembly, the Breen Confederacy, the Talarians, or the Tzenkethi.

Ancient astonomers on Bajor were convinced that B'hava'el itself was the centar of the galaxy. Today, the well-explored region along the Alpha - Beta quadrant border continues to be dominated by the United Federation of Planets, with its diverse cultures and stellar landmarks. But perhaps the most unique landmark in the quadrant is the Bajoran Wormhole, a stable passageway that extends some 70,000 light-years to the far side of the Gamma Quadrant."

Beta Quadrant

"While the United Federation of Planets and even Earth's solar system spill over the border between the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, the two superpower most often associated with the region are the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. Lesser-known but equally influentional residents include the Gorn Hegemony and the reclusive Metrons, while 90% of the quadrant remains unexplored.

Beta Quadrant has served as the battleground for many great conflict's during past few centuries, most recently in 2367 and 2373, when the Borg attempted to invade Earth. But it has also been the site of the historic Organian Peace and Khitomer Accords between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, as well as the Treaty of Algeron with the Romulan Star Empire."

Gamma Quadrant

"If not for a chence discovery, the history of the Gamma Quadrant might have been very different. Certainly, on one could have foreseen the existence of a stable wormhole near Bajor that offered a 70,000 light-year shortcut to the Idran system in the Gamma Quadrant, or that the voyages of exploration that followed would provoke the xenophobic Founders into one of the bloodiest conflicts of the modern era.

Established two millenia ago, the Dominion controled hundreds and perhaps even thousands of star system at its height, governing thorough Vorta inter mediaries and enforsing its policies with genetically engineered Jem'Hadar soldiers. While the curent status of the Founders remains unclear, it is hoped__that with the conclusion of hostilities in 2375, peaceful missions of exploration will once again be welcome in this largely unexploration quadrant."

Delta Quadrant

"Aside from early attempts like the Friedship One probe, the Delta Quadrant has remained almost completly__unexplored, all the more soon after it was found to be the home of the Borg Collective. Of course, that was before a mysterious entity known as the Caretaker transpoted a series of starships some 70,000 light-years to the far side of the Milky Way in early 2371.

Durind its seven-year odyssey of exploration, the U.S.S. Voyager visited more worlds and made more first contacts then any other vessel: the Ocampa, Talaxians, Kazon, Vidiians, Herogen, Malon, Hierarchy, and Spicies 8472, to name just a few. Already plans are underway for deep-space missions to follow in Voyager's footsteps, opening up one of the galaxy's final frontiers."

In the book "Star Trek Star Charts: The Complete Atlas of Star Trek", it is shown just where is all of these worlds seen in series and movies are. But one thing the book lacked is a decent index, which is vital in order to find certain planets, and could save hours of map searching for planets that aren't there. And now here's a complete index of stars that are mentioned in the book:

Planet / Star_________________Real Star (Spectral class)___Distance / ly

[United Federation of Planets]
Earth, Moon, Mars [AQ|BQ]_____Sol,Sun______________________Search in Celestia
Proxima Colony________________Proxima Cen, ALF Cen C_______Search in Celestia
Alpha Centaurus_______________ALF Cen______________________Search in Celestia
Barnard's Star________________Barnard's Star_______________Search in Celestia
Wolf 359______________________Wolf 359, CN Leo_____________Search in Celestia
Sirius________________________Sirius, ALF CMa______________Search in Celestia
Axanar________________________EPS Eri______________________Search in Celestia
Tellar________________________61 Cyg A_____________________Search in Celestia
Andoria_______________________Procyon, ALF CMi_____________Search in Celestia
Draylax_______________________EPS Ind______________________Search in Celestia
Kaferia_______________________TAU Cet______________________Search in Celestia
Vulcan________________________40 Eri A_____________________Search in Celestia
Sigma Draconis VI_____________SIG Dra______________________Search in Celestia
Terra Nova Colony_____________ETA Cas______________________Search in Celestia
Ophiuchus Colony______________36 Oph_______________________Search in Celestia
Vega Colony___________________Vega, ALF Lyr________________Search in Celestia
Ankaa_________________________ALF Phe______________________Search in Celestia
Coridan_______________________CHI1 Ori_____________________Search in Celestia
Teneebia______________________ALF Com______________________Search in Celestia
Deneva Prime__________________KAP For______________________Search in Celestia
Inferna_______________________ZET Her______________________Search in Celestia
Denobula Triaxa_______________IOT Boo______________________Search in Celestia
Fellebia______________________94 Aqr_______________________Search in Celestia
Pree'_________________________Iota Psc_____________________Search in Celestia
Akaali (Aka'ali) (*)__________OME Sgr______________________Search in Celestia
Kaleb_________________________CHI Eri______________________Search in Celestia
Benzar________________________DEL Pav______________________Search in Celestia
Deneb Kaitos__________________Deneb Kaitos, BET Cet________Search in Celestia
Capella_______________________Capella, ALF Aur_____________Search in Celestia
Kantare_______________________37 Gem_______________________Search in Celestia
Preenos_______________________RHO Gem______________________Search in Celestia
Aldebaran [AQ|BQ]_____________Aldebaran, ALF Tau___________Search in Celestia
Maluria_______________________EPS For______________________Search in Celestia
Alzirr________________________XI Gem_______________________Search in Celestia
Zibal_________________________ZET Eri______________________Search in Celestia
Japori________________________BET Cae______________________Search in Celestia
Valakis [BQ]__________________(K|G|G)_______________________27.14 ly
Beta Rigel (Rigel) [BQ]_______(A5V)_________________________31.42 ly
Archer________________________61 UMa_______________________Search in Celestia
Trill (Trillius Prime) [AQ]___(G)___________________________42.33 ly
Regulus_______________________Regulus, ALF Leo_____________Search in Celestia
Algeron [BQ]__________________(A)___________________________49.96 ly
Risa__________________________EPS Cet B____________________Search in Celestia
Niburon_______________________MU Cet_______________________Search in Celestia
Kreetassa_____________________PSI5 Aur_____________________Search in Celestia
Aurelia_______________________XI Her_______________________Search in Celestia
Betazed [AQ]__________________(G)___________________________52.50 ly
Merak_________________________BET UMa______________________Search in Celestia
Ba'ku [BQ]____________________(K)___________________________54.50 ly
Lorillia______________________GAM Lep______________________Search in Celestia
Ardana________________________MU Leo_______________________Search in Celestia
Nimbus [BQ]___________________(F)___________________________66.34 ly
Sauria________________________PSI Ser______________________Search in Celestia
Aaamazzara____________________EPS Ser______________________Search in Celestia
Rhaadar_______________________ALF Ind______________________Search in Celestia
Tyberius______________________Mu Aql_______________________Search in Celestia
Izar__________________________Izar, EPS Boo________________Search in Celestia
Zaran_________________________MU Cap_______________________Search in Celestia
Neural________________________ZET Boo______________________Search in Celestia
Antos_________________________KAP Del______________________Search in Celestia
Caldos________________________BET Oct______________________Search in Celestia
EPS Pav_______________________EPS Pav______________________Search in Celestia
Angel_________________________Al Nair, ALF Gru_____________Search in Celestia
Bajor (B'hava'el) [AQ]________(G2V)_________________________69.73 ly
Ivor Prime____________________ETA Sco______________________Search in Celestia
Goren_________________________DEL Gem______________________Search in Celestia
Cestus [BQ]___________________(A)__________________________209.75 ly
Cait__________________________15 Lyn_______________________Search in Celestia
Mira__________________________Mira, OMI Cet________________Search in Celestia
Betelgeuse____________________Betelgeuse, ALF Ori__________Search in Celestia
Antares_______________________Antares, ALF Sco_____________Search in Celestia
Cerberus______________________ETA Lup______________________Search in Celestia
Verdanis______________________BET Cep______________________Search in Celestia
Enif__________________________Enif, EPS Peg________________Search in Celestia
Albireo_______________________Albireo, BET1 Cyg____________Search in Celestia
Deneb IV (Farpoint)___________Deneb, ALF Cyg_______________Search in Celestia
(*) Qurantined


[Independent Systems]
P'Jem_________________________Luyten's Star________________Search in Celestia
Babel_________________________Wolf 424, Gliese 473_________Search in Celestia
Lalande 25372_________________Lalande 25372________________Search in Celestia
Fomalhaut_____________________Fomalhaut, ALF PsA___________Search in Celestia
Orion_________________________PI3 Ori______________________Search in Celestia
BET Com_______________________BET Com______________________Search in Celestia
Zavijava______________________Zavijava, BET Vir____________Search in Celestia
11 LMi________________________11 LMi_______________________Search in Celestia
36 UMa________________________36 UMa_______________________Search in Celestia
TAU Eri_______________________TAU Eri______________________Search in Celestia
47 UMa________________________47 UMa_______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Per_______________________IOT Per______________________Search in Celestia
Draylon_______________________DEL Tri______________________Search in Celestia
Celes_________________________TAU1 Hya_____________________Search in Celestia
DEL Leo_______________________DEL Leo______________________Search in Celestia
Groombridge 34________________Groombridge 34_______________Search in Celestia
Aldus Prime___________________Ross 614_____________________Search in Celestia
70 Oph________________________70 Oph_______________________Search in Celestia
Altair________________________Altair, ALF Aql______________Search in Celestia
Arcturus______________________Arcturus, ALF Boo____________Search in Celestia
SIG Boo_______________________SIG Boo______________________Search in Celestia
TAU Boo_______________________TAU Boo______________________Search in Celestia
CHI Cet A_____________________CHI Cet______________________Search in Celestia
MU Her________________________MU Her_______________________Search in Celestia
Neethia_______________________XI Peg_______________________Search in Celestia
Pyrithia______________________26 Dra_______________________Search in Celestia
CHI Her_______________________CHI Her______________________Search in Celestia
Seginus_______________________Seginus, Gam Boo_____________Search in Celestia
CHI Dra_______________________CHI Dra______________________Search in Celestia
13 Cet________________________13 Cet_______________________Search in Celestia
Mizar_________________________Mizar, ZET UMa_______________Search in Celestia
Mu Cas________________________Mu Cas_______________________Search in Celestia
Cor Caroli____________________Cor Caroli, ALF2 CVn_________Search in Celestia
Chara_________________________Chara, BET CVn_______________Search in Celestia
10 CVn________________________10 CVn_______________________Search in Celestia
Van Maanen's Star_____________Van Maanen's Star____________Search in Celestia
Megrez________________________Megrez, DEL UMa______________Search in Celestia
UPS And_______________________UPS And______________________Search in Celestia
EPS Scl_______________________EPS Scl______________________Search in Celestia
ALF For_______________________ALF For______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Leo_______________________IOT Leo______________________Search in Celestia
Targus________________________GAM Equ______________________Search in Celestia
Cheron________________________83 Leo_______________________Search in Celestia
82 Eri________________________82 Eri_______________________Search in Celestia
p Eri_________________________p Eri________________________Search in Celestia
GAM Pav_______________________GAM Pav______________________Search in Celestia
59 Vir________________________59 Vir_______________________Search in Celestia
70 Vir________________________70 Vir_______________________Search in Celestia
61 Vir________________________61 Vir_______________________Search in Celestia
Borka_________________________BET Hyi______________________Search in Celestia
TET Scl_______________________TET Scl______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Hor_______________________IOT Hor______________________Search in Celestia
ZET2 Ret______________________ZET2 Ret_____________________Search in Celestia
Porrima_______________________Porrima, GAM__Vir____________Search in Celestia
Castor________________________Castor, ALF Gem______________Search in Celestia
DEL Gem_______________________DEL Gem______________________Search in Celestia
PI1 UMa_______________________PI1 UMa______________________Search in Celestia
TET UMa_______________________TET UMa______________________Search in Celestia
51 Peg________________________51 Peg_______________________Search in Celestia
LAM Boo_______________________LAM Boo______________________Search in Celestia
Muphrid_______________________Muphrid, ETA Boo_____________Search in Celestia
Caldik________________________Alioth, GAM Cet______________Search in Celestia
PSI UMa_______________________PSI UMa______________________Search in Celestia
14 Eri________________________14 Eri_______________________Search in Celestia
k Ori_________________________k Ori________________________Search in Celestia
39 Leo________________________39 Leo_______________________Search in Celestia
ZET For_______________________ZET For______________________Search in Celestia
81 Cnc________________________81 Cnc_______________________Search in Celestia
Pollux________________________Pollux, BET Gem______________Search in Celestia
Xarantine_____________________ZET Lep______________________Search in Celestia
CHI Leo_______________________CHI Leo______________________Search in Celestia
DEL Gem_______________________DEL Gem______________________Search in Celestia
OME Leo_______________________OME Leo______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Eri_______________________IOT Eri______________________Search in Celestia
BET Pic_______________________BET Pic______________________Search in Celestia
RHO Pup_______________________RHO Pup______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Dor_______________________GAM Dor______________________Search in Celestia
18 Pup________________________18 Pup_______________________Search in Celestia
Hyralan_______________________ALF Cae______________________Search in Celestia
Barolia_______________________Wazn, BET Col________________Search in Celestia
GAM Gem_______________________GAM Gem______________________Search in Celestia
Nausicaa [BQ]_________________(M|A)_________________________41.20 ly
Galorden Core [BQ]____________(A)___________________________49.80 ly
Davlos________________________NU Tau_______________________Search in Celestia
Son'A [BQ]____________________(M)___________________________60.48 ly
Canopus_______________________Canopus, ALF Car_____________Search in Celestia
Ferenginar [AQ]_______________(M)___________________________63.42 ly
Biham_________________________Biham, TET Peg_______________Search in Celestia
Gamma Hromi [BQ]______________(G|M|K|K)_____________________76.60 ly
BET LMi_______________________BET LMi______________________Search in Celestia
ETA Eri_______________________ETA Eri______________________Search in Celestia
BET Cru_______________________BET Cru______________________Search in Celestia
ZET Pup_______________________ZET Pup______________________Search in Celestia
BET Hyi_______________________BET Hyi______________________Search in Celestia
EPS Eri_______________________EPS Eri______________________Search in Celestia
EPS Scl_______________________EPS Scl______________________Search in Celestia
BET Hya_______________________BET Hya______________________Search in Celestia
DEL Pav_______________________DEL Pav______________________Search in Celestia
TET Scl_______________________TET Scl______________________Search in Celestia
ALF For_______________________ALF For______________________Search in Celestia
GAM CrA_______________________GAM CrA______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Phe_______________________ALF Phe______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Cet_______________________ALF Cet______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Eri_______________________ALF Eri______________________Search in Celestia
BET Aur_______________________BET Aur______________________Search in Celestia
KAP Per_______________________KAP Per______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Tri_______________________GAM Tri______________________Search in Celestia
BET Tri_______________________BET Tri______________________Search in Celestia
Breen [AQ]____________________(M)__________________________129.14 ly
IOT Cas_______________________IOT Cas______________________Search in Celestia
ETA Ind_______________________ETA Ind______________________Search in Celestia
Wei___________________________EPS Sco______________________Search in Celestia
15 Sge________________________15 Sge_______________________Search in Celestia
Deneb el Okab_________________Deneb el Okab, ZET Aql_______Search in Celestia
BET PsA_______________________BET PsA______________________Search in Celestia
Kornephoros___________________Kornephoros, BET Her_________Search in Celestia
Nashira_______________________Nashira, GAM Cap_____________Search in Celestia
GAM Oph_______________________GAM Oph______________________Search in Celestia
RHO Cap_______________________RHO Cap______________________Search in Celestia
GAM CrB_______________________GAM CrB______________________Search in Celestia
Cebalrai______________________BET Oph______________________Search in Celestia
KAP Oph_______________________KAP Oph______________________Search in Celestia
ZET Ser_______________________ZET Ser______________________Search in Celestia
SIG Ser_______________________SIG Ser______________________Search in Celestia
Yed posterior_________________Yed posterior, EPS Oph_______Search in Celestia
ZET Mic_______________________ZET Mic______________________Search in Celestia
Ascella_______________________Ascella, ZET Sgr_____________Search in Celestia
Sabik_________________________Sabik, ETA Oph_______________Search in Celestia
Kaus Borealis_________________Kaus Borealis, LAM Sgr_______Search in Celestia
EPS Lib_______________________EPS Lib______________________Search in Celestia
PHI Vir_______________________PHI Vir______________________Search in Celestia
GAM CrB [AQ|BQ]_______________GAM CrB______________________Search in Celestia
PI PsA________________________PI PsA_______________________Search in Celestia
XI Oph________________________XI Oph_______________________Search in Celestia
51 Oph________________________51 Oph_______________________Search in Celestia
OME Sgr_______________________OME Sgr______________________Search in Celestia
Unukalhai_____________________Unukalhai, ALF Ser___________Search in Celestia
MU Ara________________________MU Ara_______________________Search in Celestia
39 Ser________________________39 Ser_______________________Search in Celestia
Stamaris______________________LAM Ser______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Ser_______________________GAM Ser______________________Search in Celestia
DEL Scl_______________________DEL Scl______________________Search in Celestia
ETA CrB_______________________ETA CrB______________________Search in Celestia
Gamma_________________________ALF CrB______________________Search in Celestia
TAU PsA_______________________TAU PsA______________________Search in Celestia
UPS Aqr_______________________UPS Aqr______________________Search in Celestia
53 Aqr________________________53 Aqr_______________________Search in Celestia
Rasalhague____________________Rasalhague, ALF Oph__________Search in Celestia
DEL Aql_______________________DEL Aql______________________Search in Celestia
ETA Ser_______________________ETA Ser______________________Search in Celestia
Rotanev_______________________Rotanev, BET Del_____________Search in Celestia
Sarin_________________________Sarin, DEL Her_______________Search in Celestia
Nusakan_______________________Nusakan, BET CrB_____________Search in Celestia
LAM CrB_______________________LAM CrB______________________Search in Celestia
Hyperia_______________________TAU CrB______________________Search in Celestia
Biham_________________________Biham, TET Peg_______________Search in Celestia
Gienah________________________EPS Cyg______________________Search in Celestia
Arrakis_______________________Arrakis, MU Dra______________Search in Celestia
16 Cyg________________________16 Cyg_______________________Search in Celestia
Gavaria_______________________SIG Peg______________________Search in Celestia
TET Cyg_______________________TET Cyg______________________Search in Celestia
Dopteria______________________KAP CrB______________________Search in Celestia
31 Aql________________________31 Aql_______________________Search in Celestia
99 Her________________________99 Her_______________________Search in Celestia
Alshain_______________________Alshain, BET Aql_____________Search in Celestia
SIG CrB_______________________SIG CrB______________________Search in Celestia
Ludugia_______________________RHO CrB______________________Search in Celestia
TET Dra_______________________TET Dra______________________Search in Celestia
Aldhibain_____________________ETA Dra______________________Search in Celestia
Edasich_______________________Edasich, IOT Dra_____________Search in Celestia
OME Psc_______________________OME Psc______________________Search in Celestia
Rakon (Tandar)________________39 Tau_______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Hya_______________________GAM Hya______________________Search in Celestia
EPS Hya_______________________EPS Hya______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Cru_______________________GAM Cru______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Vel_______________________GAM Vel______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Tau_______________________GAM Tau______________________Search in Celestia
Tholia [AQ]___________________(B)__________________________199.51 ly
OMI Cep_______________________OMI Cep______________________Search in Celestia
Spica_________________________Spica, ALF Vir_______________Search in Celestia
SIG Lib_______________________SIG Lib______________________Search in Celestia
TET Cyg_______________________TET Cyg______________________Search in Celestia
Bellatrix_____________________Bellatrix, GAM Ori___________Search in Celestia
Catulla_______________________TET Pic______________________Search in Celestia
Rigel_________________________Rigel, BET Ori_______________Search in Celestia
BET Cen_______________________BET Cen______________________Search in Celestia
LAM Per_______________________LAM Per______________________Search in Celestia
Avior_________________________Avior,EPS Car________________Search in Celestia
Mintaka III___________________Mintaka, DEL Ori_____________Search in Celestia
Sheliak_______________________Sheliak, BET Lyr_____________Search in Celestia


[Klingon Empire]
Qo'noS (Kronos) [BQ]__________(K)__________________________106.20 ly
Praxis [BQ]___________________(M)__________________________104.31 ly
Rura Penthe [BQ]______________(B|A)_________________________99.98 ly
Khitomer [BQ]_________________(F|K|F)_______________________90.98 ly
Morska [BQ]___________________(M)___________________________96.86 ly
No'Mat________________________OMI Leo______________________Search in Celestia
Korvat________________________PI CMa_______________________Search in Celestia
Gorath________________________TET Hya______________________Search in Celestia
LAM Gem_______________________LAM Gem______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Mon_______________________ALF Mon______________________Search in Celestia
Epsilon IV____________________EPS Hya______________________Search in Celestia
K'normia______________________PSI Tau______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Mon_______________________ALF Mon______________________Search in Celestia
Cursa_________________________BET Eri______________________Search in Celestia
38 Lyn________________________38 Lyn_______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Gem_______________________Tribble Prime________________Search in Celestia
Adhara (*)____________________Adhara, EPS CMa______________Search in Celestia
(*) Near the Edge of Klingon Space


[Romulan Neutral Zone]
Dessica_______________________Vindemiatrix, EPS Vir________Search in Celestia
BET Pic_______________________BET Pic______________________Search in Celestia
LAM Hya_______________________LAM Hya______________________Search in Celestia
Heze__________________________ZET Vir______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Pav_______________________IOT Pav______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Men_______________________ALF Men______________________Search in Celestia


[Romulan Star Empire]
Romulus, Remus [BQ]___________(M|K) <- not 128 Tri!_________51.76 ly
ZET Vol_______________________ZET Vol______________________Search in Celestia
XI Hya________________________XI Hya_______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Vol_______________________ALF Vol______________________Search in Celestia
DEL Hya_______________________DEL Hya______________________Search in Celestia
DEL Dor_______________________DEL Dor______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Hyi_______________________ALF Hyi______________________Search in Celestia
ETA Crv_______________________ETA Crv______________________Search in Celestia
DEL Vel_______________________DEL Vel______________________Search in Celestia
Mu Vel________________________Mu Vel_______________________Search in Celestia
1 Cen_________________________1 Cen, i Cen_________________Search in Celestia
ALF Cir_______________________ALF Cir______________________Search in Celestia
MU Hor________________________MU Hor_______________________Search in Celestia
BET Ret_______________________BET Ret______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Men_______________________GAM Men______________________Search in Celestia
ALF Pic_______________________ALF Pic______________________Search in Celestia
ZET TrA_______________________ZET TrA______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Cen_______________________IOT Cen______________________Search in Celestia
PI Men________________________PI Men_______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Car_______________________IOT Car______________________Search in Celestia
ETA Cru_______________________ETA Cru______________________Search in Celestia
Algorab_______________________Algorab, DEL Crv_____________Search in Celestia
EPS Phe_______________________EPS Phe______________________Search in Celestia
ZET Pic_______________________ZET Pic______________________Search in Celestia
Garadius______________________DEL Mus______________________Search in Celestia
Gacrux________________________Gacrux, GAM Cru______________Search in Celestia
Achernar______________________Achernar, ALF Eri____________Search in Celestia
MU Hor________________________MU Hor_______________________Search in Celestia
ETA Ant_______________________ETA Ant______________________Search in Celestia
BET Vol_______________________BET Vol______________________Search in Celestia
RHO Vir_______________________RHO Vir______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Hyi_______________________IOT Hyi______________________Search in Celestia
RHO Tuc_______________________RHO Tuc______________________Search in Celestia
PSI Vel_______________________PSI Vel______________________Search in Celestia
Menkent_______________________Menkent, TET Cen_____________Search in Celestia
NU Oct________________________NU Oct_______________________Search in Celestia
LAM Crt_______________________LAM Crt______________________Search in Celestia
GAM Tuc_______________________GAM Tuc______________________Search in Celestia
Cheran________________________OMI Gru______________________Search in Celestia


[Cardassian Union]
Cardassia [AQ]_________________(K0V)_________________________72.50 ly
Chin'toka [AQ]_________________(G)___________________________56.58 ly
Alpha Majoris (*)______________Dubhe, ALF UMa_______________Search in Celestia
ALF Tri (*)____________________ALF Tri______________________Search in Celestia
MU And (*)_____________________MU And_______________________Search in Celestia
IOT Cep (*)____________________IOT Cep______________________Search in Celestia
(*) Near The Cardassian Border


[Talos Star Group]
Talos (*) [AQ]_________________(M0IV|M|M|M)__________________86.82 ly
TET UMa________________________TET UMa______________________Search in Celestia
Algol__________________________Algol, BET Per_______________Search in Celestia
UPS UMa________________________UPS UMa______________________Search in Celestia
Menkalinan_____________________Menkalinan, BET Aur__________Search in Celestia
Al Rescha______________________Al Rescha, ALF Psc___________Search in Celestia
Tania Borealis_________________Tania Borealis, LAM UMa______Search in Celestia
(*) Qurantined

[AQ] Alpha Quadrant
[BQ] Beta Quadrant
[AQ|BQ] Bettwen Alpha and Beta Quadrant

Here is a Map of Known Space in Diameter of 1,500 ly!

Posted: 20.10.2005, 22:25
by WildMoon

You're gonna need a whole team of people to work on this and make it available in Celestia!

Be VERY awesome to get all this in Celestia!

(look at my signature)

Posted: 30.01.2007, 09:00
by Reiko
I've been trying to make some of these sytems but I don't yet know how to texture planets. So far all I have been able to do is use planet textures from other addons and celestia but as soon as I learn how to make my own I will change them.

P.S. can somebody please tell me the formula to determine how far to place an earth like world from a star based on it's luminosity. :?

Posted: 31.01.2007, 06:52
by LordFerret
8O Cool!! :D

Posted: 31.01.2007, 11:33
by selden

The SolStation Website describes where to place livable planets. See

Posted: 10.02.2007, 04:54
by Hungry4info
Wow, very nice. And very useful. I have an incomplete copy of that very book you have taken images out of. I never thought about using it for Celestia.

Posted: 11.09.2007, 01:51
by fungun
[Romulan Star Empire]
Romulus, Remus [BQ]___________(M|K) <- not 128 Tri!_________51.76 ly

Why not 128 Tri ?

128 Trianguli (also known as Ket-cheleb or Eisn) is a spectral class G9 white star and star system located among the stars visible from Earth in the constellation of Triangulum. This area contains the home planets of the Romulan Star Empire, Romulus and Remus, as well as the moons Pirek and Elvreng. The system has a secondary star which is known as Romulus B. (TOS novels: "My Enemy, My Ally", "The Romulan Way")

TNG novel "Intellivore" listed this system as "123 Trianguli".
Retrieved from ""


Posted: 11.09.2007, 02:37
by selden
Why not 128 Tri ?

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Can you provide a non-fiction reference for the star id you mention?

As best I can tell, 128 Tri and its associated names all seem to be imaginary: Simbad doesn't recognize any of them and the names aren't in the book Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning by Richard Allen, either. (It has lots of obscure star names not listed elsewhere.)

They're not mentioned in Burnham's Celestial Handbook, either.

p.s. and the only Web pages I can find which mention it are Star Trek sites.

p.p.s. I think the comment "M|K <-- not 128 Tri" just refers to the "fact" that 128 Tri is claimed by some sources to be a G class star, not M or K. *shrug* Since it's imaginary anyhow, you can make of it what you will.

Posted: 11.09.2007, 03:33
by Fenerit
Reiko wrote:I've been trying to make some of these sytems but I don't yet know how to texture planets. So far all I have been able to do is use planet textures from other addons and celestia but as soon as I learn how to make my own I will change them.


This reply is too short for explain better how you can do to make a planet texture, and presuppose a 3d modeller. I do not know what to be the method do you prefer in doing this through commercial, shareware or freeware programs; whether 2d method or 3d. I've found this link for the 3d method:

What is explained here can be done with the majority of 3d modellers each one with the own interfaces and ability, of course; commercial just as with freeware program. Once the sphere is finally texturized in a cylindrical UV projection with a procedural texture (a texture which is indipendent from the resolution) this texture can be exported as image format perfectly sized for Celestia. Turbolence, patchwork color for the planet's equatorial zone, etc., that is, what figure out a "planet", are 3d modeller operations: roughly speak, with shaders, "materials", displacements (bump map and normal map) reflectance, other texture, colors, etc subtly setting forth by the user for matching the needs. These operation are differents from that of the 2d photoretouch programs and the rest of 2d painter programs (they are used at the final stage, at least, for a "class touch").

Posted: 03.10.2007, 17:46
by Trek Fighter
Well, I see that my list of Star Trek planets is popular!

Yes WildMoon, you are right!

Hungry4info, you have an incomplete copy of the book?
Can you post any map?

fungun, I see you have questios about 128 Tri?

I wrote:
Romulus, Remus [BQ] (M|K) <- not 128 Tri! 51.76 ly

(M|K) is spectral class of this stars.
So, I wrote the figure of 51.76 ly. This just an rough number.

Posted: 03.10.2007, 18:37
by t00fri
Trek Fighter wrote:Well, I see that my list of Star Trek planets is popular!


Wow, I guess I was too much interested in girls at the age of sixrteen ;-) . Some important cultural aspects (Star Treeeeek or whatever you were referring to ...) just passed by without being noticed.

What can I do? Now that I am 19, I feel most of my life is lying behind me...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 04.10.2007, 03:29
by LordFerret
Now that I am 19


Surely you jest. :? :lol:

Posted: 04.10.2007, 21:48
by Dollan
LordFerret wrote:
Now that I am 19


Surely you jest. :? :lol:

Of course he does! Clearly, by his icon, Fridger is only a year old or so..... :D


Posted: 12.10.2007, 15:23
by Reiko
Fenerit wrote:
Reiko wrote:I've been trying to make some of these sytems but I don't yet know how to texture planets. So far all I have been able to do is use planet textures from other addons and celestia but as soon as I learn how to make my own I will change them.


This reply is too short for explain better how you can do to make a planet texture, and presuppose a 3d modeller. I do not know what to be the method do you prefer in doing this through commercial, shareware or freeware programs; whether 2d method or 3d. I've found this link for the 3d method:

What is explained here can be done with the majority of 3d modellers each one with the own interfaces and ability, of course; commercial just as with freeware program. Once the sphere is finally texturized in a cylindrical UV projection with a procedural texture (a texture which is indipendent from the resolution) this texture can be exported as image format perfectly sized for Celestia. Turbolence, patchwork color for the planet's equatorial zone, etc., that is, what figure out a "planet", are 3d modeller operations: roughly speak, with shaders, "materials", displacements (bump map and normal map) reflectance, other texture, colors, etc subtly setting forth by the user for matching the needs. These operation are differents from that of the 2d photoretouch programs and the rest of 2d painter programs (they are used at the final stage, at least, for a "class touch").

Thank you that is very helpful. I have recently been using fractal world explorer to make textures but they do not look very realistic.

Posted: 12.10.2007, 15:28
by selden
If you haven't already, you might want to visit the Space Art Web site at
and its Web forum at

There are quite a few tutorials there.

Posted: 12.10.2007, 15:32
by Reiko
Trek Fighter wrote:Well, I see that my list of Star Trek planets is popular!

Yes WildMoon, you are right!

Hungry4info, you have an incomplete copy of the book?
Can you post any map?

Here are some form the 2002 book.



There is also an older book from 1980 with lots of maps including various space lanes. If you are interested in that let me know and I'll post them.

Posted: 12.10.2007, 15:39
by Reiko
selden wrote:If you haven't already, you might want to visit the Space Art Web site at
and its Web forum at

There are quite a few tutorials there.

Thank you! :)

Posted: 13.10.2007, 22:07
by Hungry4info
My version is the 2002 book also.
I think it's incomplete, but I'm not sure. I'll give a list of what's in it.
Page 8-11 - Description of the galaxy.
Page 12-19 - Expains quadrants, sectors, etc.
Page 20-21 - Explains types of stars and HR Diagram.
Page 22-29 - Explains types of planets.
Page 30-35 - Describes the Alpha Quadrant and inhabited planets.
Page 36-37 - Politial map of the Alpha Quadrant near Sol. (shows Breen Confederacy, Caradassian Union, Tholian Assembly, Ferengi Alliance, and UFP mostly).
Page 38-43 - Describes some important solar systems in the Alpha Quadrant (Sol, Talos Star Group, Deneb Kaitos, Bajor, Cardassia)
Page 44-45 - Describes Alpha Quadrant trade routes.
Page 46-47 - Shows map of UFP/Cardassian Union border, explains DMZ and such.
Page 48-49 - Describes Dominion War.
Page 50-55 - Describes Beta Quadrant and inhabited planets.
Page 56-57 - Map of Beta Quadrant near Sol. (Romulan Empire, Klingon Empire, Gorn Hegemony mostly)
Page 58-59 - Describes important Beta Quadrant systems (Vulcan, Rigel)
Page 60-61 - Route of Enterprise NX-01.
Page 62-63 - Beta Quadrant map of UFP/Klingon Empire border.
Page 64-65 - Map of Klingon Empire.
Page 66-67 - Map of Romulan Empire. (Reiko posted it)
Page 68-71 - Describes Gamma Quadrant and inhabited planets.
Page 72-73 - Map of Gamma Quadrant.
Page 74-75 - Map of Dominion Space.
Page 76-79 - Describes Delta Quadrant and inhabited planets.
Page 80-81 - Delta Quadrant political map.
Page 82-95 - Route of Voyager from insertion into Delta Quadrant until just before it finds the Borg Transwarp Hub.

The book fails to show the rest of the Voyager route. On the right edge of page 95, it shows "TO BORG SPACE (TRANSWARP HUB)" with an arrow pointing to where a next page SHOULD be. Yet, it doesn't exist. What follows is the four pages of the map that Reiko posted, along with a map key.

Posted: 14.10.2007, 01:31
by fungun
Between Trek Fighter's list, the Star Trek Star Chart book (which I see you have), the Memory Alpha Star Trek wiki, the Memory Beta Star Trek wiki, and "Places" at, I have mapped 95 systems so far. Also thanks to JLL's NGC3132_EightBurstNebula_3D addon from the Motherload, I also have the Briar Patch and the Ba'Ku planet mapped and drawn in.
This is great fun :D
Thanks for Celestia !


Posted: 14.10.2007, 16:29
by Reiko
Here are maps from the 1980 book Star Trek Star Maps

