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If you were in charge, how would YOU manage the solar system

Posted: 01.09.2005, 03:22
by PlutonianEmpire
Here's how things would be in the Solar system if I were in charge:

Mercury would be the uber-powerhouse of the system, cuz it's closest to the sun, and covering the entire planet with solar panels... wow! Think of how much we'd save on the energy bills! :D

Venus would be a perfect getaway for storm chasers, and provides nice lighting (in the daytime, anyway), for those loverbirds who are "in the mood" ;)

Earth would be a good place to vacation and relax and enjoy nature.

Mars would be the action planet of the solar system, where we have HUGE places to blow up buildings, jump across vast canyons, etc. I think mars would be a great place for entertainment, because of the lower gravity, so people can jump higher. Explosions are bigger (hopefully) cuz projectiles go out a lot farther, and think of all the roller coasters we can put up! Of course, we'd have to terraform it first in order to have open-air carnivals.

the gas planets would be great places to mine hydrogen for spaceship fuels, and be good tourist destinations (but probably not for permanent residence due to all the radiation put out by the gas planets, unless we can shield ourselves perfectly from the radiation.)

And pluto, well, i'm gonna try may damnedest to terraform it and make it the capital of the Plutonian Empire. lol. :D

How would things be like if YOU were in charge?

Posted: 01.09.2005, 04:07
by buggs_moran
Ummm, I am in charge and I like it just the way it is. Not Heliocentric, not geocentric,


My system is the best because it contains epicycles on epicycles ON epicycles. Beat that...

(add Lone Ranger music here, for you non (aged) Americans, that's the William Tell Overture)
Return with us now to the thrilling days of yesteryear where one man can have the universe revolve around him. :wink: Ahh, nothing like a little omnipresent moment to share with friends... Where's Tonto???

Too bad Mercury isn't tidally locked, you'd only have to panel one side...

Seriously though, I think we need to focus on Earth first, before we go screwing everywhere else up... So I guess if I really (no really) were in charge, I'd fix her up first.

Disclaimer: The previous message was purely in jest, any attempt to take it seriously should be summarily dismissed.

Posted: 02.09.2005, 03:04
by bdm
I would do the following:
* Make Mercury's orbit circular, and tidally lock it. This would save money on solar panels and interior decorating.
* Move Earth's orbit out a bit. This would solve the problem of global warming. The year would have 420 days and this would be so convenient when designing calendars because every month would have 35 days.
* Transfer some of Venus's excess carbon dioxide to Mars, so Mars can have a nice warm atmosphere. Then we can live on Mars as well. I would otherwise leave Venus alone to serve as a warning to all on why combatting global warming is important. Although global warming would be mitigated by the larger orbit, I won't be moving Earth again because the planet is so damn heavy.
* Make Callisto a yellow colour and give it some dark albedo features. At the right time of its orbit, Callisto would be the Happy Face moon.

Posted: 02.09.2005, 09:49
by d.m.falk
bdm wrote:* Make Callisto a yellow colour and give it some dark albedo features. At the right time of its orbit, Callisto would be the Happy Face moon.

Awwwwright, you Celestions! You know your duty! I wanna see someone actually make a Happy Face moon in Celestia! :D


Posted: 05.09.2005, 02:02
by bdm
d.m.falk wrote:
bdm wrote:* Make Callisto a yellow colour and give it some dark albedo features. At the right time of its orbit, Callisto would be the Happy Face moon.
Awwwwright, you Celestions! You know your duty! I wanna see someone actually make a Happy Face moon in Celestia! :D


I've created a quick-and-dirty happy face texture, should I upload it?

Posted: 09.09.2005, 22:28
by WildMoon
Lol please do. I'll make some of my own happy face textures :lol:

But if anyone were to tell how the crud to make a multiplanet solar system then I could perhaps make a happy system with certain names that would fit nicely...

Posted: 09.09.2005, 23:35
by selden

Have you looked at Celestia's own solarsys.ssc?

It's rather complicated, but does show how to define a planetary system with 9 planets and quite a few moons.

The usual cause of unfindable problems is a typo. It's too easy to have typed something wrong by mistake but when you read it see only what you "know" is there, but which isn't actually there.

Posted: 10.09.2005, 00:31
by Malenfant
I'd blow up the Earth.

.... why are you looking at me like that? ;)

Posted: 10.09.2005, 13:56
by Planet X
I'd combine all the kuiper belt objects (apart from Pluto and UB313) into one planet and position it in a circular, retrograde orbit around the sun at 100 AU distant. I'd then combine Pluto and Ub313 into one object and keep it in Pluto's current orbit. Finally, I'd ditch Mars and replace it with a 16092.6 km wide, 2 Earth-mass planet that is locked in a 2-1 orbital resonance with Earth. I'd probably give that new planet 2 decent sized moons as well. Later!


Posted: 11.09.2005, 17:08
by WildMoon
Yes I have tried the solarsys.ssc file. I copied it, renamed it, changed all Sol references to my star's name, and (where needed) put a # mark next to all information I didn't want showind up on my planets (atmosphere etc.) Didn't work :cry: I might try using a file from a download system and edit it though.

If I ruled the solar system, I would give the Earth a ring and another moon and name the moon WildMoon. :D

Posted: 11.09.2005, 17:43
by PlutonianEmpire
WildMoon wrote:If I ruled the solar system, I would give the Earth a ring


