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Exploding frogs

Posted: 27.04.2005, 07:30
by PlutonianEmpire

Posted: 09.09.2005, 23:02
by WildMoon
What was the story I missed it. :cry:

Posted: 10.09.2005, 01:34
by PlutonianEmpire
I forgot. :cry:

It'd be nice if yahoo KEPT everything archived. :(

Posted: 10.09.2005, 02:33
by WildMoon
Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! @#$%!

Posted: 10.09.2005, 16:43
by selden
Archives of most of the Web are kept permanently at

Posted: 11.09.2005, 17:10
by WildMoon
Cool! 8)

Thanks selden!