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Poll: Things you are interested in (space)

Posted: 12.11.2022, 10:28
by EarthMoon
You may select up to 25 things that you like about space. If you select "Other", you may write your interest in the comments.

Posted: 08.12.2022, 16:34
by Trolligi 112477
exoplanets where

Posted: 08.12.2022, 17:19
by Shadow-Dragon-777
Earth because well, its the biggest and most colorful rock within 3 lightyears of the Sun we know of.
Mars, because terraforming it makes a world of fantasy
Saturn System because of Titan and the Rings
Planet Nine may be the super Earth missing link we have been looking for... plus it probably has a lot of moons given the hill sphere, a super earth may have enough gravity to create cryovolcanism on them on top of the rocky volcanism of the planet below.
And aliens, we cannot stop being fascinated by them.