Thank you for your responses, t00fri...
I corrected the typo....
t00fri wrote:Finally, I hope your site is thoroughly NON-commercial, since NO commercial ads are allowed in this forum! At least I could not find any reference to book prices.
I don't recall
advertising anything at all. I wouldn't do that, ever, in a public forum. I did, however, ask for opinions about a few things I created (that were either based on Celestia itself -- the videos -- or was based on idiotic propaganda from past administrations -- this "song.")
The site in question
is commercial. It was designed to be a commentary, review, and information BLOG. It is
not a sales site, nor can you order
anything through it. Nor do we advertise for anyone else (although we may occasionally accept an outside publisher's review of their offerings, subject to the same "info-only" restrictions.)
I have been moving all of my BLOGs and such to that site, as I was tired of dealing with advertising, commercialism, and the restrictions you get from most commercial BLOGging sites. Yes, we will be reviewing products we created. No, you cannot order them through us (except wholesale, in quantities, on our e-commerce site.) Otherwise, the closest thing you will find to a price is a UPC and/or an ISBN -- you'll have to find your own price through your favorite retailer or bookstore.
There are a number of commercial projects in the works for Wallstone, but
Wallstone News & Views will barely deal with most of it, as it's an entertainment site, not a sales site. Before you holler too loudly about my site being commercial, keep in mind that:
1. I'm not, and I didn't, try to sell you anything.
2. No site where we (the public) generally keep our videos and music is non-commercial (YouTube, MySpace, StumbleUpon, SoundClick, Last.FM, Twitter, FaceBook, etc.) All of these make money by you simply showing up. Yeah, more if you click... I don't get one red cent from WN&V. I pay to have it up, though.
3. I'm only posting things here that I think you folks will be interested in, but will never advertise them, and never for a commercial product.
4. My site's a hybrid - the majority of the new posts coming up are actually old posts I yanked off my earlier BLOGs. Calling it strictly commercial is a misnomer.
Most of what we will be reviewing on WN&V was not created by us. Nor do we make any money from it should you decide to go buy it. Case in point: I will be reviewing, in depth,
Battlestar Galactica (the remake), and
Plan 9 from Outer Space. Both of these are SciFi, both have outer space associated with them, but only one has a plot, actors that know the difference between walking and sleeping, a storyline, or special effects worth a flip. Guess which one?
Although the music I use in the videos is commercial, (I own the copyrights), it is also free to the public. On our SoundClick pages (3 "bands"), we let the public download
all the songs as MP3s, for free. They are licensed under Creative Commons, for noncommercial, no derivatives usage. This means people can do what they want with it -- companies cannot. Without the great background music I created, "Abstract Reality" and "Space Walking" wouldn't be music videos, as the video itself isn't enough to call it that....
In any event, if I cannot post links to my BLOGged posts here, then it should also be against the rules to post links to ANY outside site which contains ANY advertising (to include YouTube, etc.) They make money from their sites -- I don't from WN&V.
Oh, yeah -- back to topic.... I added a refrain, and an extra verse set to the song. If anyone's interested, of course...
- Danny