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BAUT vs CELESTIA: a computation

Posted: 12.08.2009, 21:42
by Fenerit
Being "Sarcastic and snide remarks will no longer be tolerated" a locked thread, I cannot reply about some data quoted by ElChristou concerning Baut's data forum and probably escaped from an analysis, so I repeat it here:


BAUT Board:

Number of threads: 77,446
Number of posts: 1,446,335
Number of members: 48,595

~5O members ALWAYS logged in


Number of threads: 12,711
Number of posts: 111,904
Number of members: 7116

~5 bots and 1 member ALWAYS logged in


now, 48,595/1,446,335 posts mean that there are 0,0335 member/post, while 7116/111,904 get 0,0635 member/post, near the double. IMHO, this mean that whom submitting a Celestia's registration is REALLY interested in it, or "feel" the program in such a way to have something to say.

Just a thought, nor polemics. :roll: