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AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 01.06.2009, 20:20
by t00fri
I am particularly moved by this horrible plane accident. Not only because some French physicist friends and their Brazilian relatives have been aboard of AF447, but also since two years ago, I have been on AF 447 from Rio to Paris in the same plane that most probably is now lying on the ground of the ocean together with 228 people...


Re: AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 01.06.2009, 21:33
Hi Frdger,
I have heard about it on the news today,a very tragic loss :( I hope that they can find the plane soon,so they can find out what happened.By the reports that have trcikled out it happend very quickly.I am very sorry to hear of your loss if there were any of your friends and colleagues that were onboard that flight.


Re: AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 02.06.2009, 00:59
by Chuft-Captain
This is a very sad event Fridger, especially if it has affected people close to you.

My sincere condolences to you and the families of your friends.

Re: AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 02.06.2009, 09:18
by t00fri

I appreciate your mails! Thanks.


Re: AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 02.06.2009, 12:18
by cartrite
Hey Fridger,
I am sorry to hear that this tragic event touched you personally.
My prayers go out to those 228 people, their friends, and their families.

Re: AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 03.06.2009, 04:39
by LordFerret
Such a sad affair. My condolences. For the benefit of the victims families and friends, that they may find closure, I hope the authorities are able to resolve this.

Re: AF 447 Rio => Paris

Posted: 04.06.2009, 09:05
by t00fri
Thanks Steve and LordFerret. The two French physicists and their relatives in AF 447 were not personal friends, yet members of our physics community, where people know each other pretty well...

Here is an amazing satellite image from the last hour of AF447 (pink track) when it crossed this horrendous equatorial thunderstorm zone off the brazilian coast.
The image was originally taken from the German news ... ne120.html

From the known wind direction it appears that the plane was finally "overtaken" by one of two violent thunderstorm cells that merged, such that there remained no way for the plane to evade... The second cell was said to have approached the plane head-on with wind speeds as high as 160 Km/hour.

Incidentally, this flight AF447 also used to be frequently taken by our LatinAmercan HELEN students who would spend some time with their HELEN fellowships either at CERN or elsewhere in Europe, like in my laboratory (DESY). Fortunately, none of the students was on that particular flight.
