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Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 11.04.2009, 01:22
by PlutonianEmpire
For the past few months, I've been watching sunrises and sunsets on Belle Hades in Celestia. Only recently have I contemplated getting up early to watch the sunrise in real life here on Earth. I was meaning to do it all week this past week because of all the sunshine the weatherpeople have predicted. Only today I finally got up to watch the sunrise. Very different from Celestia, that's for sure. And a wonderful experience too. :mrgreen:

When was the last time you took time off to watch a sunrise or sunset?

Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 11.04.2009, 04:05
by Reiko
I used to watch the sun rise at least once a week but not anymore.

Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 12.04.2009, 15:36
by LordFerret
Surprisingly (mostly to me lol) I see them often. I must say however that the most beautiful and stunning are those out at sea - no land what-so-ever in sight, the earth and sky merge in an explosion of color. Very beautiful! 8) :D

Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 24.05.2009, 11:54
by bdm
I've occasionally watched sunsets at work during the winter, but not otherwise in the last six years or so.

Watching the sunset over the sea or a low, flat horizon is well worth it. I have seen a few green flashes that way. The sun sinks below the horizon, and just for half a second or so the sun turns bright green, then is gone.

Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 25.05.2009, 01:44
by LordFerret
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 25.05.2009, 07:43
by t00fri
LordFerret wrote:
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Funny, in German it sounds a bit different:

Abendrot trockenes Brot, Morgenrot, nasses Brot.


Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 25.09.2009, 16:45
by Vorthon
This morning. I also see them on a regular basis. (Almost every morning between the start of september and the end of june. The high school I go to is about a 1 hour bus ride from where I live. I have to get up at six in the morning, and I usually head out about a half-hour later. I suffer through the freezing cold of winter (Winters in eastern Ontario are brutal!), but I get at least I get to see the sunrise.)

Re: Sunrises and sunsets

Posted: 25.09.2009, 22:27
by Fenerit
LordFerret wrote:
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Era gi? l'ora che volge il disio
ai navicanti e 'ntenerisce il core
lo d? c'han detto ai dolci amici addio;
e che lo novo peregrin d'amore
punge, se ode squilla di lontano
che paia il giorno pianger che si more;
quand'io incominciai a render vano
l'udire e a mirare una dell'alme
surta che l'ascoltar chiedea con mano.

[Dante Alighieri, Purgatorio, Canto VIII]

It was already the hour that turn desire
to sailors and touch the heart
the day they have said to the sweets friends goodbye;
and that new pilgrim of love
prik, if hear blares from away
which seem the day crying until die;
when I begin to render vain
the hearing and to look one of the souls
so stood that the calling wished with hand.

[Dante Alighieri, Purgatory, Chant VIII]