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Posted: 03.07.2008, 02:38
by BobHegwood
Are people simply unaware of the language translator add-ons available for Firefox?

Just curious... Have seen many people not understanding something on this forum because of various language problems...
Just thought that I'd mention this capability here so that others might get some use out of it. There are many language translators available HERE, and all are free for Firefox. :wink:

I have managed to find this resource and I'm the one who is Brain-Dead. :roll:
Les gens sont-ils simplement ignorants des adjonctions de traducteur de langue disponibles pour Firefox ?

Curieux justes… Ont vu beaucoup peuplez pas l'arrangement quelque chose sur ce forum en raison de divers probl?mes de langue…
Pens?e juste que je mentionnerais ces possibilit?s ici de sorte que d'autres pourraient obtenir une certaine utilisation hors de elle. Il y a beaucoup de traducteurs de langue disponibles ICI, et tous sont libres pour Firefox. :wink:

Je suis parvenu ? trouver cette ressource et je suis celui qui est Cerveau-Mort. :roll:
Sind Leute von den Sprachen?bersetzerzus?tzen einfach ahnungslos, die f?r Firefox vorhanden sind?

Gerechte neugierige… Haben gesehen viele bev?lkeren Sie das Verstehen nicht etwas auf diesem Forum wegen der verschiedenen Sprachenprobleme…
Gerechter Gedanke, da? ich diese F?higkeit hier erw?hnen w?rde, damit andere etwas Gebrauch aus ihm heraus erhalten konnten. Es gibt viele vorhandene Sprachen?bersetzer HIER und alle sind f?r Firefox frei. :wink:

Ich habe gehandhabt, dieses Hilfsmittel zu finden und ich bin der, wer Gehirn-Tot ist. :roll:

Re: Languages?

Posted: 03.07.2008, 12:27
by t00fri
he he Bob,

your German and French sound "biblical" ;-)

Particularly amusing (since the meaning is completely off) is the translation of the following phrase of yours:
Just curious...
Curieux justes…
Gerechte Neugierige…


Re: Languages?

Posted: 03.07.2008, 13:40
by BobHegwood
Ah well, I tried... :wink:

So it helps to know the language you are already translating I guess. Sorry, but I thought this might help someone. :roll:

Re: Languages?

Posted: 03.07.2008, 16:09
by selden

One way to learn how bad the automatic translators are is to use them translate the results back into one's native language.

Often the mistakes can be quite amusing.

Re: Languages?

Posted: 03.07.2008, 17:18
by BobHegwood
selden wrote:Bob,

One way to learn how bad the automatic translators are is to use them translate the results back into one's native language.

Often the mistakes can be quite amusing.
Yes, I did this after Doctor Schrempp's message above. Very amusing. :D

How did I know? Hell, I thought that if a translator existed, then it would work correctly. I have now noticed, however, that one can improve the results one gets by using various of the translation services. Some are obviously better than others. :wink: At any rate, even bad translators are still better than not understanding even what the general topic of conversation is. I have managed to get most of the content of some French, Spanish, and German sites, when I would have had NO knowledge of what they were talking about before. <shrug>

I have also noticed that if one speaks plainly - in other words - if I had said "I am simply curious" as opposed to "Just curious..." I would have gotten a much better translation, so the fault lies with me again. :wink: That's alright though... This exercise has been educational in itself.

Re: Languages?

Posted: 03.07.2008, 18:59
by t00fri

never mind, "Braind-Dead" has been translated perfectly ;-)


Re: Languages?

Posted: 03.07.2008, 20:20
by BobHegwood
t00fri wrote:Bob,

never mind, "Braind-Dead" has been translated perfectly ;-)


:D :) :wink: :lol:
Thank you very much for that Good Doctor...
My wife would like to know why I am laughing hysterically right now... Oh, my stomach hurts... :lol:

Re: Languages?

Posted: 04.07.2008, 19:52
by abramson
Now I'm laughing! Brain-Dead came out as "cl?nicamanete muerto" in Spanish!! :lol: (using Opera default translator, Opera is my favorite bowser).

Anyway, I have found this particularly useful for Japanese pages! Western European languages are more or less the same. Rather, I believe they live in a two-dimensional space: one you now two, the third is a combination of them. I have experienced this when learning English, Italian, French, German, and experiencing Portuguese, Catalan, Danish... Slavic languages are somewhat orthogonal to that space, I went often to Slovenia when living in Italy, and could only learn a few words...


Edit: "Western" added.

Re: Languages?

Posted: 04.07.2008, 20:08
by SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)
abramson wrote:European languages are more or less the same. Rather, I believe they live in a two-dimensional space: one you now two, the third is a combination of them. I have experienced this when learning English, Italian, French, German, and experiencing Portuguese, Catalan, Danish... Slavic languages are somewhat orthogonal to that space, I went often to Slovenia when living in Italy, and could only learn a few words...



Your post suggests that Slavic languages are not European languages. :evil:


Re: Languages?

Posted: 04.07.2008, 20:38
by abramson
Right, it does. I'm sorry. I should have said "Western European". I remembered my Slovenian half way down my post and didn't correct my mistake. Apologies. (My minimal Slovenian is now limited to the word "hvala", I try and cannot remember another one!)

Anyway, my post was not intended to be taken very seriously. These things do not get transmitted easily on fora...

Thanks, Paul.


Re: Languages?

Posted: 05.07.2008, 10:03
by SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)
abramson wrote:Right, it does. I'm sorry. I should have said "Western European".


Never mind. I suspected that this was only such an unintentional mistake. I just wanted to be sure. :wink:
