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DonG is back!

Posted: 21.03.2008, 09:02
by don
Just saw this message from Bob ...

BobHegwood wrote:As far as I know, Don Goyette is dead. I have e-mailed him, tried to get him on the phone, etc. No luck, and sad 'cause he was/is a good friend.

Well, I'm definitely still alive Bob, though some days I wonder :roll: . Not sure why an e-mail wouldn't get to me as I've been using the same address for 12 years now.

Howdy everyone!

Sorry I dropped out of existence. Yes, health problems ... Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, medication side-effects, and complications (for 28 years now), along with new problems from a serious injury 23 years ago that was re-injured in 2003/2004 ... keep me from doing much of anything anymore <sigh>.

We tried for nearly 1-1/2 years to sell our 120 acre ranch in the country, while living in an apartment in the city, 50 miles away (I have no immune system and get very sick very easily), but with no luck. All in an attempt for us both (my wife and I) to be closer to doctors and medical facilities. That's probably why our phone number didn't work.

We are once again living on the ranch, but with no way of taking care of it ourselves, aside from hiring everything out <sigh>. BUT, we thank God we still have the property and it's not going into foreclosure like so many others here in the US right now! What a financial mess the world is in ... all created by a couple of greedy US mortgage companies <grrr>!

My wife is also now permanently disabled, since 2005, so I've had to take on a lot of responsibilities she used to handle. Which means no "free time" anymore. As of April, I will have been on permanent disability myself, for 13 years <frown>.

Just found out from an orthopedic surgeon last week that the majority of my physical disability is the result of mis-diagnosed injuries sustained in a racquetball accident from 23 years ago, and has continually been mis-diagnosed by 10 to 15 different doctors in various US states during this entire time <grrr>.

They've all told me it was bursitis and disease progression from the Rheumatoid. In fact, it has been torn rotator cuffs (shoulders), dislocated joints, ripped and torn muscles, ligaments and tendons, etc. ... all along. After 23 years, the only option is joint replacement, which I can't have done for many reasons <sigh>.

The end result is that my joints have no cartilage thus are bone-on-bone. I have severe pain 24/7 and am on narcotic pain killers 24/7. I'm not able to stand or walk for more than a couple of minutes, without excruciating pain in my hips and numbness in my legs, due to lower spine nerve damage.

Can't lift either arm above my shoulders, due to disintegrating shoulder joints. Get lots of extra pain in my hands, wrists and shoulders, and numbness in my arms, when typing for more than a few minutes, due to nerve damage in my upper spine. Will be trying the latest version of Dragon Dictate (speech recognition software) soon, but it doesn't look like it would work for programming or working on web pages.

Along with a host of nasty side-effects (lung, eye, kidney, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach problems) from being mis-medicated for the past 28 years.

In 2005/2006 I had a torn and detached retina in one eye that required emergency surgery. The vision out of that eye is now permanently distorted but at least I can still use it. Also had lumbar spine surgery (L4/5 Discectomy), in hopes of easing the lower spine nerve damage ... which causes the pain and numbness in my legs ... but with no luck. So I basically just "exist" from one day to the next.

Between the constant pain and the narcotic pain killers, my mind is no longer able to focus on anything other than simple, basic every-day tasks. No more web pages, no coding, nothing that requires any kind of concentration, aside from paying bills, making a meal, eating, surfing the web, etc. <sigh>.

I left my Celestia page up on our web site in case anyone had links to it. But have not made any changes or updates to anything since it was created ... sorry. Not sure why my name is still listed in the Celestia developers list on SourceForge, as I've not been active there for a few years now.

So, that's the reason I'm no longer involved with the Celestia project. Sorry gang <frown>. I kept hoping some doctor would find the reason for my so many physical problems, and be able to fix them ... but it didn't happen. Rather, the opposite happened.

I hope you are all doing well and the Celestia project continues to progress, for the benefit of everyone, everywhere on Earth :D .

Cheers and God's Blessings to each and every one of you. It was FUN working (and playing) with all of you in this wonderful "sandbox" that Chris created.

Posted: 21.03.2008, 10:29
by selden

I suspect I write for many of us old-timers when I say that it's very good to know that you're still with us, although it's also very saddening to hear of your health problems and the faulty diagnoses you've had to suffer. Do take care.

Posted: 21.03.2008, 11:14
by ElChristou
Hey, Don, heard many time of you since I'm here and indeed I'm happy you are still here. What a mess your situation! 15 doctors unable to help you... that's unbelievable! (I thought there was a good medical level in US but here it's really a shame...)
Hope you the best for the time to come!

Posted: 21.03.2008, 12:04
by BobHegwood
don wrote:Sorry I dropped out of existence. Yes, health problems ... Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, medication side-effects, and complications (for 28 years now), along with new problems from a serious injury 23 years ago that was re-injured in 2003/2004 ... keep me from doing much of anything anymore <sigh>.

DON? You great old almost-dead Geezer? Believe me I definitely
tried to reach you. To hell with that though. Welcome BACK my
friend. :lol:

If it makes you fell any better, I was gone for almost a year after
health problems too. I also have RA, along with Diabetus Type 1
since 1971, Diabetic Neuropathy and a BAD attitude where
doctors are concerned. Was hospitalized when I got RA because
it really screws with my blood sugars, so I can definitely relate
to where you've been. The rescue squad here comes out about
3 times a month now, and they all know me well. I take 3 or 4
shots a day and have for the past 35 years.

don wrote:My wife is also now permanently disabled, since 2005, so I've had to take on a lot of responsibilities she used to handle. Which means no "free time" anymore. As of April, I will have been on permanent disability myself, for 13 years <frown>.

This is simply an amazing coincidence... My wife got diabetes type
2 about 1 year ago, and lost her leg immediately, so she's almost
disabled too.

So SEND ME a PM, an E-mail, or CALL me my friend. I'll leave the
pertinent information in a PM for you.

I LOVE ya Don, so keep fighting the crap. It ain't easy I know,
but keep it up.

Thanks, Brain-Dead

Posted: 23.03.2008, 13:27
by Adirondack
don wrote:Well, I'm definitely still alive
that is one of the best news I did hear since (and besides) Bob's "resurrection" a few months ago.
Good to know that the old geezers are still around. :P

With all the best wishes

Posted: 25.03.2008, 08:00
by Nastytang
mm How strange !!! I`m in the same boat here Don and Bob

about 3 year ago i went to the doctor and after about a year test running they diagnoses me with the list down below that i`ve listed I wonder if they miss something !!! so this all started in January when I went to the doctor because i just could not take the pain any more then in December just before Christmas my wife is diagnoses diabetes type 2 so no Christmas that year we spent all the money getting every thing she needed!!! she cried for weeks over ruining Christmas even tho we all told her it was not her fault !!! 11 months later the doctor disable me but as of yet SS says no not yet !!! so I`m still setting without Medical because the state I`m in does not give medical to any one over 21 years of age !!!

I have Blood Test that need to be done every 3 to 6 months that is not getting done :(

well any was enough of that here is my list

Poly Neuropathy (pripheral)(Poly meaning more the one nerve)from my right foot up if it is 70 degrees about 30 C
I feel like it is freezing and it tingles almost like it fell a sleep and thousand of tiny needles poking me!! this is just a couple things it is doing

Arthritis two forms
Poly Articular
I have it everywhere

Sleep Apnea

High BloodPressure

Carpel Tunnel

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

MGUS Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance (meaning blood disorder attacking the nerve too i think beside the fact it can and in most cases will turn into caner!! so far so go Thu no caner!!

I don`t have diabetes YET but the say I`m working to get there......mmm easy fir them to say!!!There not the ones that have trouble opening a bottle or holding a cup of coffee!!!Beside this the Neuropathy has effected my speech and communication skills too :(

as far as Pain you Two know it is there and is there very day 24/7 365 days/years!!! the bad thing is i can`t take most meds because of very bad side effects :( now i can`t even take IBuprofen because
of my Tummy (sorry can`t spell well guys )
so all this works together to make you feel bad and attacks joints bones and Vital organs so as we know the out look is grim !!! that is maybe why we are here at this site using Celestia looking for a better place then where we are now.

Don I can relate to what you have describe altho I`m not as bad as you are ......but I`m getting there!! I do wish you and your wife well and hope things do get better for if possible !!!

Bob you too I wish you well and hope you and wife the best too!!!

we Just celebrated Our 24 th year of marriage
and I see that with out here it would be alot harder to get Thur the days of sever Pain !!

The weather !!! I hate it!!! the more it changes the more I hurt!!! winter the worst !!! I`m always cold !!!

Well I need to stop I`ll just go on and on !! Don cover most of what I go Thur too!!

Bob guess now you know part of why I`m Call Uranus Painus :)
Beside the Kids saying Don`t Poke The Bear :D

Please take care Don and Bob

PS sorry for getting off Topic


Posted: 25.03.2008, 08:59
by BobHegwood
Tis my firm belief that Celestia causes all kinds of physical problems.

Hee, hee. :lol: You may have noticed how many of the Celestia
users have mental problems too... :wink:

No more from me here. Selden, please remove these posts if you like.
I was just overcome with relief that my good friend WAS still alive.

I'll shut up now.

Thanks, Painus in Uranus AND Brain-Dead Bob

Posted: 25.03.2008, 12:52
by Hungry4info
BobHegwood wrote:Hee, hee. :lol: You may have noticed how many of the Celestia users have mental problems too... :wink:

... count me in. I must attest to a mild sort of mental retardation. From what I can tell, it resmbles dementia, but I'm just 18. =S.

Anyway, Don, my prayers and sympathy for you. I wish you the best of luck!

Re: Celestia management proposal : TRAC and SVN

Posted: 26.03.2008, 10:16
by don
Thank you for your warm replies everyone :D !

Seldon, please feel free to move this off-topic segment somewhere better suited. It just seemed to be the best place for me to reply to Bob's comment.

Looks like the e-mail address on my Celestia page is no longer active :( ... very sorry Bob! Hope you haven't been driving your car into any more houses 8O !

Very sorry to hear about so many other disabled / diseased folks here, especially with their wives being disabled too :cry:! It does make for a very difficult existence, where friends and family seem to keep their distance because they simply don't understand how hard normal things are to do, or just don't want to be dragged down into our depressing and frustrating reality.

However, Celestia and the forums are a great way for folks like us to "mentally check-out of reality" for a few hours a day, and get lost exploring our solar system and the whole universe :)! Never lost my interest in space and have been watching a lot of Science channel, NASA and other TV shows to try and keep up with on-going exploration, ISS missions, etc.

I don't do a lot of typing anymore, but will try to keep an eye on PMs and reply as I am able to. Must go to bed now.

My wish for every afflicted person here in Celestia, is that you find peace, each and every day, no matter how bad things might be on that day. Some way, some how, one day at a time :D .

Catch up with y'all in PM ...

Re: DonG is back!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 11:23
by selden

I frustrated over it a little, but wound up moving your "welcome back" into Purgatory.
I'm sure you've felt like that's where you've really been during the past months!

Re: DonG is back!

Posted: 26.03.2008, 16:26
by chris

Just wanted to say hello, and thank you for the update--sounds rough, but I'm glad to hear you're hanging in there. Thanks again for all the contributions you've made to Celestia--I think about it every time I look at celestia.cfg and see your very thorough commenting.


Re: DonG is back!

Posted: 27.03.2008, 20:58
by LordFerret
Good gads, I can relate Don. :( Anything involving the spine is no fun at all, especially chronic pain... it's enough to drive you insane. Too bad a lot of folks don't understand that - one of the issues I face. :oops: :(

But... you're alive!... and you're here!... and we're all pleased to see you again! :D

Re: DonG is back!

Posted: 27.03.2008, 21:09
by t00fri

good to see you again and alive. It was me who noted some time ago that your ranch was for sale.


We were pretty much worried noting this!

All the best!!


Re: DonG is back!

Posted: 31.03.2008, 21:10
by rthorvald
Wonderful to hear from you! You had us worried, you know, after all this time.

The best of luck,
- rthorvald

Re: DonG is back!

Posted: 01.04.2008, 22:21
by don
Thanks for breaking off this thread Selden.

It's a joy to hear from y'all, and to see so many of the long-time Celestia users still here :D! One of these days, when things get settled down a bit more, I hope to download the latest version of Celestia and check out what Chris has been up to the past few years.

Fridger, thanks for noticing that our house was for sale, and asking about us. Sorry I didn't see your post in my previous brief visits to the forums :(.

Thank you Chris, for your kind comments.

For all the folks here with disabilities of their own, and with their wives/husbands, my heart goes out to each and every one of you, hoping for a bright light at the end of your "disabled" tunnel, SOON.

One last note, to Nasty ... you wrote, "Arthritis two forms ... I have it everywhere". So did *I*, which is VERY unusual for arthritis of any kind, according to my doctors at the time!

Thus, based on my personal experience of mis-diagnosis after a previous injury, which then got RE-injured and re-mis-diagnosed, I've just gotta ask you ... have you had any kind of "impact" injury in the past, to your legs, arms, etc. ... like a fall from several feet high, frontal auto impact, or something else? If yes, then I would highly recommend that you visit an orthopedic (sp?) surgeon, explain the prior injury to him/her, ask for an MRI of the joint area that hurts you the worst, and hope that it was an injury that CAN still be FIXED, thus REMOVING the joint pain, STOPPING the nerves from being pinched or damaged, etc. And, Good Luck to you!

Cheers for now everyone ...