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Celestia now being used by the History Chanel, The Universe?

Posted: 21.02.2008, 00:13
by MKruer
I was just watching Season 2 Episode 10 of The Universe, and I saw what looked like a screen capture form Celestia. Its right at the time they are talking about Wolf-Rayet star. A shot of a star is show on the screen. It looks like a white circle, but the tip off was that the background galaxy brightened as it goes though the star halo just like in Celestia.

This is unaltered. I shit you not.

Posted: 21.02.2008, 00:34
by Reiko
Wow that does look exactly like Celestia!

Posted: 21.02.2008, 01:09
by MKruer
Chirs, I think you need to contact them and demand some compensation. Like a new server for the forums? :twisted:

Posted: 21.02.2008, 08:37
by bh
If that's not Celestia I'll eat my monitor!

Re: Celestia now being used by the History Chanel, The Unive

Posted: 21.02.2008, 08:58
by t00fri
MKruer wrote:It looks like a white circle, but the tip off was that the background galaxy brightened as it goes though the star halo just like in Celestia.


Funny... inappropriate uses of Celestia being revealed by it's persistent and familiar "NONSENSE PHYSICS features" ;-)
