Nokia to acquire Trolltech to accelerate software strategy.
Posted: 28.01.2008, 13:21
by tech2000
Posted: 28.01.2008, 19:21
by cartrite
I wonder what this means for the future of the open source version of QT4?
Posted: 28.01.2008, 20:42
by tech2000
in an open letter to the open source community, Nokia stated:
[quote]?€??€¦ We will continue to actively develop Qt and Qtopia. We also want to underline that we will continue to support the open source community by continuing to release these technologies under the GPL ?€¦?€
Posted: 28.01.2008, 21:32
by Christophe
Also note that if Nokia decided to stop development of the GPL version of Qt, the
KDE Free Qt Fundation agreement would allow Qt to be released under a BSD style licence by the Foundation.
Still, considering Nokia's current involvement with Gnome in Maemo on the one hand and with the Webkit (itself based on KHTML) on S60 on the other hand, it will be interesting to see what they do with Qt.