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Gimp Help Please?
Posted: 15.12.2007, 00:08
by BobHegwood
Okay, I already KNOW that I'm stupid, but for the LIFE of me, I can't
figure out how to use the Gimp to start with an original texture, and
then fade it out so to speak with varying levels of transparency.
Can anyone help the Brain-Dead here?
I have already searched through the Gimp help on-line, the Gimp
FAQ's, the Gimp etc. with no answer that I can understand. Can
anyone here help the Brain-Dead?
Thanks, Bob
Posted: 15.12.2007, 00:14
by BobHegwood
Let me elaborate so you know exactly what I'm after here...
Take any planet with clouds, say Venus, then I wish to create ten
different levels of the image so that Number 10 has been
"transparented" by about 10%, and Number 9 has been
"transparented" by 20% and so forth. Is possible? Anyone
understand my question?
Thanks, Brain-Dead
Posted: 15.12.2007, 00:36
by selden
There are (at least) two different ways to do it.
1. Create your own model of the cloud layers.
2. Define multiple fake planets (smaller than Venus, so hidden within it) each with its own cloud layer but all using the same orbit definition.
Posted: 15.12.2007, 00:41
by selden
oops. Sorry: I didn't notice that you were explicitly asking for help with Gimp (I didn't read the first message in the thread.)
I create the opacity channel as a separate image and use either ImageMagick or NetPBM to combine it with the RGB main image to create an RBGA image file. (A = Alpha channel, usually, but not always, interpreted as opacity.)
Posted: 15.12.2007, 01:02
by Johaen
I'm not sure how complex you are wanting, but I just created this quick little example:
(Make sure to click it to actually see the gradient. For some reason the thumbnail doesn't seem to be showing the transparency.)
What I did:
1. Create new image.
2. Add alpha layer.
3. Ctrl+A to select the whole image, and then Delete to clear it, and make the whole image transparent.
4. Chose the gradient, FG to transparent.
5. Used the Gradient tool from left to right across the whole image to create the gradient.
I know it's extremely simple, but it's a start.
Posted: 15.12.2007, 02:58
by BobHegwood
I very much appreciate the replies, but I'm still not making myself
clear enough, I guess...
I already have the image of Venus that I wish to use in a tour, but
- as Maxim did long ago - I wish to use 10 different images of the
same original image so that I can fade the Venus clouds away with a
series of gradually diminishing cloud textures.
In order to do this, I need to have ten different images - each based
on the first original image - and each with a bit more transparency
applied to it.
I have really tried to find out how to do this, but nothing I have
learned so far will allow me to save each of ten different images -
each of which is based on the same original image, but 10% more
Does this make sense? Your explanations above mean nothing to
me yet, but I'll play with it some more.
Thanks, Brain-Dead
Posted: 15.12.2007, 03:09
by cartrite
BobHegwood wrote:Let me elaborate so you know exactly what I'm after here...
Take any planet with clouds, say Venus, then I wish to create ten
different levels of the image so that Number 10 has been
"transparented" by about 10%, and Number 9 has been
"transparented" by 20% and so forth. Is possible? Anyone
understand my question?
Thanks, Brain-Dead
It sounds like you are trying to create 10 different levels of transparency?
If you take the original and select all and copy, paste, and click the layer tab at top of image window and chose New Layer. You now have 2 layers of the original.
Use the layers channels paths tool window that comes up when the gimp is started and chose the layers tab. You can now set the opacity to 90%. After setting the opacity you'll see 2 little icons below the opacity amount bar. 1 says background and the other should say pasted layer. Click on the smaller "eye" to the left to make the pasted layer invisible. Now the background should only be visible.
Go thru the procedure again and set opacity to 80 and so on. Make sure each time you paste another copy you click Layer=>:NewLayer.
I'm not sure what you'll want to do with it when your finished. You could save as gif or gif animated. I don't think png can handle layers past a rgba though. DDS can have multible layers but I think these layers are mip maps. Could be wrong though.
Posted: 15.12.2007, 03:44
by cartrite
After seeing your next post you may want separate images? In that case you can copy the original and paste onto a new blank. And then set the opacity, anchor it, and save it as png.
Posted: 15.12.2007, 03:45
by BobHegwood
cartrite wrote:It sounds like you are trying to create 10 different levels of transparency?
Exactly... I have already gone through the process you described, but
I got screwed somewhere around level 7, and simply could not figure
out my mistake.
At any rate thanks VERY much for the help. I have abandoned the
Gimp though. I have the found "Ultimate Paint" program which does
exactly what I want it to do in about 5 seconds. Piece of cake.
And no, I don't care if the program hasn't been quality-tested by the
scientists around here. It's free, it works, and it's damned EASY to
use and I like that VERY much. The output is perfectly consistent too.
If I open one of the levels with the Gimp, it displays my image
EXACTLY like I want it to.
This process is for use in a couple of tours I'm working on. As
Maxim showed me long ago, you can fade the cloudmaps away
from a planet and thereby create a much more pleasing tour.
Thanks all VERY much, but it appears that I have now solved my
Take care, Brain-Dead
Posted: 15.12.2007, 04:04
by cartrite
BobHegwood wrote:cartrite wrote:It sounds like you are trying to create 10 different levels of transparency?
At any rate thanks VERY much for the help. I have abandoned the
Gimp though. I have the found "Ultimate Paint" program which does
exactly what I want it to do in about 5 seconds. Piece of cake.
After playing around with this I found it was much simpler to just use the layers channels paths tool window and duplicate the background layer 10 times. Then I click on a layer so it highlighted blue and set the opacity. I think it took me 30 seconds though
I never had a need to do this before so I just learned something new. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
Sound like you don't like the gimp
Glad you solved your problem.
Posted: 15.12.2007, 04:12
by BobHegwood
cartrite wrote:Sound like you don't like the gimp
Glad you solved your problem.
No, I absolutely LOVE the Gimp and its quality with the images one
can get from it. However, the damned thing is SO complicated that I
rarely know what I'm trying to do after about 5 minutes.
Just FYI, I have spent ALL DAY today simply trying to learn how to do
- in the Gimp - what I can do with Ultimate Paint in 30 seconds. I have
ALL the Gimp Help files installed... I have ALL of the on-line help
within reach, and I have used the program for about a year now.
Why is it so damned difficult to get an answer to a simple question
though. THAT's what bothers me about the Gimp.
At any rate, thanks VERY much for your help. I did learn a bit
more about its use thanks to you and Selden, so I do appreciate
the effort you guys made.
Thanks VERY much, Brain-Dead
Posted: 15.12.2007, 04:22
by cartrite
BobHegwood wrote:
Just FYI, I have spent ALL DAY today simply trying to learn how to do
- in the Gimp - what I can do with Ultimate Paint in 30 seconds. I have
ALL the Gimp Help files installed... I have ALL of the on-line help
within reach, and I have used the program for about a year now.
Why is it so damned difficult to get an answer to a simple question
though. THAT's what bothers me about the Gimp.
I feel your pain. It took me quite a while to learn what I know about the Gimp. And the frustration in trying to find out how to do something special. I'm still learning new things though. And I can't remember when it happened but the Gimp is a lot easier to use now. It's like one day everything just started to fall into place.
Posted: 15.12.2007, 04:34
by Fenerit
Bob, here am I the Brain-Dead, but with ten layer of the same texture faded away in percentage, you should get the same image from the last layer beneath, to say, that with the 10%...
Posted: 15.12.2007, 04:45
by BobHegwood
Fenerit wrote:Bob, here am I the Brain-Dead, but with ten layer of the same texture faded away in percentage, you should get the same image from the last layer beneath, to say, that with the 10%...
You know what, Massimo?
I have NOT a CLUE as to what you're trying to say with your message
so can you elucidate? I'm creating 10 different textures, each of which
is 10% more transparent than the last. The reason I'm doing this is so
that I can use the images in a tour script to fade the clouds of Venus
away, rather than simply turn off the clouds all at once. It simply
makes for a sexier tour. Comprende?
Thanks Brain-Dead
Posted: 15.12.2007, 04:54
by Fenerit
Sorry Bob, it escape to me "10 different images of the same original image". I apologize.
Posted: 01.01.2008, 12:44
by eburacum45
I haven't tried Ultimate paint yet- is it free?
But I have managed to make several cloud layers of increasing transparency in Gimp. Simple, really;
start with a bright cloud texture-
lower the brightness (this adds a little black to turn the clouds slightly grey)
convert black to transparent using 'Colour To Transparent'
and you have a slightly more transparent layer.
repeat 9 times and you have ten layers of increasing transparency.
Posted: 01.01.2008, 14:43
by BobHegwood
eburacum45 wrote:I haven't tried Ultimate paint yet- is it free?
But I have managed to make several cloud layers of increasing transparency in Gimp. Simple, really;
start with a bright cloud texture-
lower the brightness (this adds a little black to turn the clouds slightly grey)
convert black to transparent using 'Colour To Transparent'
and you have a slightly more transparent layer.
repeat 9 times and you have ten layers of increasing transparency.
Yep, FREE, but not on anyone's official "okey-dokey" list here...
Appreciate the help with Gimp too. I always use it after I'm at the
place where I want quality images too. In this case, I'm taking
the output from UP, and then converting black to transparency
as you mentioned. Works for me.
Posted: 01.01.2008, 15:58
by buggs_moran
There is also ( It was originally intended to replace MS Paint (MS mentored the project), but the developers went off on their own I believe. I have used it only sparingly. I still prefer my ancient copy of Adobe PS.