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Will be out for a couple of days...

Posted: 23.10.2007, 12:49
by ElChristou
Guys, my laptop HD is dead (hopefully, all my work files are on an external device) so I'll need a few days to change disk, recover data etc... and be operational again... :?

See you later.

Posted: 23.10.2007, 15:09
by Cham
Ouch ! This is a sad thing, and you're confirming to me my fear of HDs, and my hesitation to buy a portable with a disk based HD. I want Flash Drives NOW !

Posted: 23.10.2007, 15:15
by Fenerit
Not only the HD's. I've lost IN A WEEK the my TWO DVD drives! And it's not the cable.

Posted: 24.10.2007, 22:12
by ElChristou
On the road again! Lots of config to do now before full efficiency... :?

Posted: 26.10.2007, 06:02
by Fenerit
ElChristou wrote:On the road again! Lots of config to do now before full efficiency... :?

I wonder how you all Celestians do the things so fast, both in programming, add-ons(ing), texturing, reinstalling etc, etc! Personally from my 20 Mb HD 286 20 Mhz to my (at epoch) 10 Gb HD PI 75 Mhz, spanned about 7 years.