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More exponential zooming.... (large images)

Posted: 04.08.2007, 16:55
by Chuft-Captain
In the spirit of rthorvard's earlier post, here is some more exponential zooming.


Copyright for the model used for the Mirror Technician belongs to: ... ount=count

Re: More exponential zooming.... (large images)

Posted: 04.08.2007, 17:22
by rthorvald
Chuft-Captain wrote:In the spirit of the earlier post, here is some more exponential zooming

That was really great!
Can i ask how you did the clouds... Are they part of the CMOD?

BTW, you should put a tattoo on that guy??s arm... ;-)
- rthorvald

Posted: 04.08.2007, 18:23
by Dollan
Okay, you're really making me drool here....

Posted: 04.08.2007, 18:42
by Celestial_Planets
WOW!! That was way beyond my needs.

Re: More exponential zooming.... (large images)

Posted: 05.08.2007, 09:43
by Chuft-Captain
rthorvald wrote:Can i ask how you did the clouds... Are they part of the CMOD?
No, they're separate from the main model -- I'm not very happy with this approach at this stage, as there are various problems such as depth sorting (not evident in these pics).
I'll let you know if I ever find a good solution for the clouds.

Posted: 08.08.2007, 02:33
by LordFerret
That was a bit of a surprise! 8) :D

Posted: 08.08.2007, 09:17
by Chuft-Captain
LordFerret wrote:That was a bit of a surprise! 8) :D
What was a surprise?

Posted: 09.08.2007, 08:32
by LordFerret
Zooming all the way in (through one of the 'windows'?), to find the guy standing there with his screen display showing the image of himself in the zoom! :lol: 8)

Posted: 09.08.2007, 09:49
by Chuft-Captain
LordFerret wrote:Zooming all the way in (through one of the 'windows'?), to find the guy standing there with his screen display showing the image of himself in the zoom! :lol: 8)
Look carefully at that last image and you should even be able to tell me his name. It's quite obvious , really. :wink:

Posted: 11.08.2007, 02:13
by Chuft-Captain
Am I to believe that none of you intelligent people have managed to deduce his name? I need to give a clue?

Posted: 11.08.2007, 05:54
by Johaen
Chuft-Captain wrote:Am I to believe that none of you intelligent people have managed to deduce his name? I need to give a clue?

I've looked a couple times. I got nothing.

Posted: 11.08.2007, 06:05
by LordFerret
Likewise. :(

Posted: 11.08.2007, 06:35
by Chuft-Captain
You should think about what he's actually doing in the scene...

i.e. There's a big clue to his identity in the title-bar and address-box of his browser window. :)

Posted: 11.08.2007, 11:59
by Andy74
Yeah, it's really obvious that it is YOU while you are creating this very topic.
So his name has to be "Chuft-Captain" ...

Posted: 12.08.2007, 04:56
by LordFerret

Yes, I can see he's posting in the forums here, but all I can make out in the address box is "http" something something ".php"... so either I need a newer bigger monitor or new glasses - or both. :( :lol:

Posted: 12.08.2007, 10:16
by Andy74

of course, all you can read ist " :: Post a new topic". But the pictures in the window make it very clear that it is THIS topic, and you can easily check who has posted it.

Bye Andy :wink:

Posted: 12.08.2007, 14:10
by Chuft-Captain
Well done gentlemen. Between you, you have successfully deduced the paradoxical nature of this thread.

I should also mention that it wasn't easy to upload such a photo-intensive thread from such a remote location (The speed of the Inter-Planetary-Internet is still only equivalent to dial-up speeds :wink: ), but as reward for your observations, I will replace the original post with more attractive "polaroid" versions. :lol: