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NASA & alcohol

Posted: 27.07.2007, 19:51
by t00fri
no comment...

Bye Fridger

PS: I can recommend German beer, which hardly affects space navigation...

Posted: 27.07.2007, 21:37
by ajtribick
And no-one managed to get any data on what mixing booze and insanely high accelerations does to the human body? Shame.

Posted: 28.07.2007, 00:13
by Dollan
No comment is the safe way to go when the *only* primary reports of this have come from independent trade magazines.

If it *does* pan out, then heads will probably quite literally roll. If it doesn't, then it will be yet another shining example of how shoddy reporting has become in the last twenty years, all in the effort to gain ratings, readers, and money.

<EDIT> Well, looking at other reports that have come out since earlier today, looks like the reports are credible for at least two occasions. Yup, there's going to be a *Lot* to pay for by some of these guys, astronauts and administrators alike.

My biggest hope is that this will light a fire under the private sector, despite the recent tragedy that it has endured....


Posted: 28.07.2007, 02:34
by LordFerret
I myself don't give a damn about the booze issue... I'm more concerned with the act of sabotage on the computer equipment. It seems the mainstream media (tv news) has overlooked this entirely. :?

Re: NASA & alcohol

Posted: 28.07.2007, 13:05
by Fenerit
t00fri wrote:no comment...

Bye Fridger

PS: I can recommend German beer, which hardly affects space navigation...

For a mission to Mars I recommend a lot of red wine, perhaps the color can help them in find the path...

Posted: 28.07.2007, 15:30
by Dollan
LordFerret wrote:I myself don't give a damn about the booze issue... I'm more concerned with the act of sabotage on the computer equipment. It seems the mainstream media (tv news) has overlooked this entirely. :?

I've seen plenty on the sabatoge, on all of the cable news networks. Both issues are *extremely* serious, and they need to be resolved with a definitive finality.


Posted: 31.07.2007, 14:30
by Fenerit

Posted: 01.08.2007, 00:49
by LordFerret
Proposed asteroid mission plans? Have you seen the Dawn mission yet? It was set to launch earlier this month but was delayed. The new launch date is slated for this September.