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Posted: 09.08.2005, 22:21
by ajtribick
Christophe wrote:As a Frenchman I have to say mustard, from Dijon of course, not this sugary fluorescent yellow sauce Americans call mustard.

French mustard is the best!

Posted: 09.08.2005, 23:40
by ElChristou
chaos syndrome wrote:
Christophe wrote:As a Frenchman I have to say mustard, from Dijon of course, not this sugary fluorescent yellow sauce Americans call mustard.

French mustard is the best!

No doubt :wink:

Posted: 10.08.2005, 00:18
by Ptarmigan
Spaceman Spiff wrote:And the pudding to this pudding
Nice one Spiff :)
is a deep fried Mars Bar. I kid you not...
So I have been told, but that must have been invented after I left Scotland, because I have no recollection of such a *&^% <insert expletive
On the other hand, possibly it was extant in my time, but I just averted my gaze :-)
Is there some plasma physics or triple-point theory involved here ? How do they get the MarsBar to not vanish into a black hole (or possibly an ickky caramelhole ?), deepfreeze it first ? ?? la Baked Alaska , the mind boggles?
Gr??n' So??.
Qu?© ? how might one pronounce that in english, and how to give instruction on preparation to ones domestic staff ? :)

PS My second choice after HPsauce would have been fried onions, but that was not available either :-!)

PPS I have recently aquired some Hog Casings, so, watchout ! I'll be making my own sausages in the next few days ,,,,

Posted: 10.08.2005, 14:23
by Spaceman Spiff
I believe the deep fried Mars Bar 'tradition' started in the early 80's, as a remedy to depression from Thatcher induced unemployment in Scotland. I suspect the bar is taken straight from a freezer, because the same Scottish 'chippies' also throw frozen pizzas straight into the deep fat frier.

For clarification, even though the Statesers* are supposed to be the fattest (on average!):
- The Swedes and Norwegians are the tallest nations, but not the fattest. Might be the fish.
- The Scots have the most unhealthy junk food diet in the world, and consume the most sweets per capita.


* We've had this debate...

Posted: 10.08.2005, 21:07
by t00fri
chaos syndrome wrote:
Christophe wrote:As a Frenchman I have to say mustard, from Dijon of course, not this sugary fluorescent yellow sauce Americans call mustard.

French mustard is the best!

Now I found the solution to my earlier "Hot Dog problem" :
I just eat the "moutarde de Dijon", leaving the sausage alone...

When I was a boy (with a French passport), my mother used to prepare a delicous sausage at night:

"saussice de Lyon avec de la moutarde de Dijon" ;-)

The "Lyoner" saussages were 4-5 cm across and sold in form of a ring with about 20-25 cm diameter....They would be just thrown into (non-boiling) hot water and heated up until shortly before "explosion" ... idea whether they still exist, since I have quit eating any kind of sausages about 15 years ago ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 10.08.2005, 21:20
by ElChristou
t00fri idea whether they still exist, since I have quit eating any kind of sausages about 15 years ago ;-)...

Ouch... life without sausages... not a life... The "saussices de Lyon" still exist of course!!

Personnaly I'm much more from the "Sud-Ouest" with "Cassoulet" and "Confit de canards"...

I'm wondering why those customs officers are always asking me to open my suitcases after passing them through ray X... :wink:

Posted: 10.08.2005, 21:33
by t00fri
ElChristou wrote:
t00fri idea whether they still exist, since I have quit eating any kind of sausages about 15 years ago ;-)...

Ouch... life without sausages... not a life...

I said sausages NOT women! ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 10.08.2005, 23:52
by buggs_moran
chaos syndrome wrote:
Christophe wrote:As a Frenchman I have to say mustard, from Dijon of course, not this sugary fluorescent yellow sauce Americans call mustard.

French mustard is the best!

True. But isn't it ironic that the evil flourescent yellow mustard is called
"French's Mustard",
another American conspiracy, you betcha! Les Americains sont ?©tranges, non? Hey wait, je suis un Americain, c'est la vie...

Personally I like any stone ground mustard with a kick, they are usually brownish (since they actually use whole mustard seeds). Personal fav's include Woebler's Spicy Brown and Jack Daniels No 7 Mustard, Dijon and other stone grounds run a close third and are always acceptable. NO yellow mustard belongs on any sausage, hot dog or otherwise. :wink:

Posted: 12.08.2005, 17:52
by WOWspaceISbig
After reading through all the posts, I learned quite a bit about European cuisine, and all the toppings that can be used on hot dogs, sausages, etc. What also amazed me is how many posts there were! I didn't even expect to get a second page in a space forum! (Looks like I should follow my impulses a little more! :lol: )

P.S. Once again I apologize for the lack of choices; like I said, for some reason I couldn't put more than 2.


Posted: 08.09.2005, 01:07
by WildMoon
You forgot "Ketchup, Mastard, & Chili" :D I'm also surprised at all these posts. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets urges to make strange posts.

Re: Wow

Posted: 08.09.2005, 07:25
by t00fri
WildMoon wrote:You forgot "Ketchup, Mastard, & Chili" :D I'm also surprised at all these posts. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets urges to make strange posts.

Mastard sounds sexy somehow ;-)

Posted: 08.09.2005, 10:53
by BrainDead
So where's "Catsup?" Or, am I just showing my age again? :wink:

Posted: 08.09.2005, 20:32
by WildMoon
t00fri wrote:
WildMoon wrote:You forgot "Ketchup, Mastard, & Chili" :D I'm also surprised at all these posts. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets urges to make strange posts.

Mastard sounds sexy somehow ;-)

I'm male so unless you're female I hope that wink wasn't directed to me. :lol:

[qoute="BrainDead"]So where's "Catsup?" Or, am I just showing my age again?
Brain-Dead Bob


Saying Catsup instead of Catsup doesn't make you sound old. It just gives a possible hint to your heritage (ex. People born in Texas generally say ketchup, such as me for example since I'm from Texas.)

Argh!!! How do you do double qoutes?

Posted: 08.09.2005, 21:07
by t00fri
WildMoon wrote:
t00fri wrote:Mastard sounds sexy somehow ;-)

I'm male so unless you're female I hope that wink wasn't directed to me. :lol:

I am female as most insiders here know ;-)

Posted: 08.09.2005, 21:10
by WildMoon
t00fri wrote:
WildMoon wrote:
t00fri wrote:
WildMoon wrote:You forgot "Ketchup, Mastard, & Chili" I'm also surprised at all these posts. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets urges to make strange posts.

Mastard sounds sexy somehow ;-)

I'm male so unless you're female I hope that wink wasn't directed to me. :lol:

I am female as most insiders here know ;-)

Wink away then. :lol: 8)

Posted: 08.09.2005, 22:17
by BrainDead
t00fri wrote:I am female as most insiders here know ;-)

Well *I* didn't know that... Hmmm...

All this time I just thought that you were a very attractive man. Hee... hee...


Posted: 09.09.2005, 01:40
by Brendan
I like Dijon mustard. :P

Posted: 09.09.2005, 05:40
by PlutonianEmpire
Thanks alot. Now i'm hungry.

*Goes to make a sandwich*


Posted: 09.09.2005, 20:49
by WildMoon
Hey, make me a hamburger too!
