Infinite Reality Theory

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Hunter Parasite
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Infinite Reality Theory

Post #1by Hunter Parasite » 18.11.2007, 00:47

While I was in the shower, I came up with an idea.

Let's go ahead and say that in our dimension, there are an infinite number of alternate universes, including our own. That would mean in at least one of the universes, virtually anything you can imagine could be occuring at this very moment.

I can't imagine this hasn't been thought of before, but you never know...

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Post #2by MKruer » 18.11.2007, 06:06

Hunter, See Multiverse, this might be what you are referring to.

Fenerit M
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Post #3by Fenerit » 18.11.2007, 23:25

MKruer wrote:Hunter, See Multiverse, this might be what you are referring to.

Yes, indeed. It's just what account for the term "imagine", the debate.
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