COMET P/1889 M1 = 2006 M3 (BARNARD)
Orbital elements:
P/1889 M1 = 2006 M3 (Barnard)
Epoch 1889 June 7.0 TT = JDT 2411160.5
T 1889 June 21.23440 TT MPC
q 1.1027476 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00839829 Peri. 60.12652 +0.76295409 +0.38703214
a 23.9704117 Node 272.54540 -0.60509305 +0.70945537
e 0.9539955 Incl. 31.21843 +0.22751584 +0.58896451
P 117.36
Epoch 2006 Aug. 13.0 TT = JDT 2453960.5
T 2006 Aug. 28.63949 TT MPC
q 1.1069740 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00823831 Peri. 60.44474 +0.76124837 +0.39020346
a 24.2797443 Node 272.06683 -0.60697584 +0.70985233
e 0.9544075 Incl. 31.21549 +0.22821316 +0.58638803
P 119.64
"n?© p/1899 M1" => 117 ans !!
COMET P/1889 M1 = 2006 M3 (BARNARD)
Topic authorsymaski62
- Posts: 610
- Joined: 01.05.2004
- Age: 41
- With us: 20 years 7 months
- Location: france, divion
COMET P/1889 M1 = 2006 M3 (BARNARD)
windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.