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Ok if this isnt weird, then what is?!

Posted: 24.03.2006, 13:27
by Lothar_GR
The invisibility cloak ( well - almost ) and how it works!

Science continues to amaze us every day :D

Re: Ok if this isnt weird, then what is?!

Posted: 24.03.2006, 18:20
by t00fri
Lothar_GR wrote:The invisibility cloak ( well - almost ) and how it works!

Science continues to amaze us every day :D

As to optical camouflage we didn't have to wait for the University of Toyo photo: animals can do it much more perfectly since thousands and thousands of years...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 24.03.2006, 18:57
by Chuft-Captain
And there's this: ... niform.htm

I find it a little ironic that the image can't be seen on this page. :wink:

Re: Ok if this isnt weird, then what is?!

Posted: 24.03.2006, 22:59
by Lothar_GR
t00fri wrote:
As to optical camouflage we didn't have to wait for the University of Toyo photo: animals can do it much more perfectly since thousands and thousands of years...

Yes of course they can ( many times very succesfully too ) but i didnt expected to see human clothes with such abilities ever ... This is science fiction ( or should i say "magic" ? ) almost coming to life

Re: Ok if this isnt weird, then what is?!

Posted: 25.03.2006, 01:53
by buggs_moran
Lothar_GR wrote:
Yes of course they can ( many times very succesfully too ) but i didnt expected to see human clothes with such abilities ever ... This is science fiction ( or should i say "magic" ? ) almost coming to life

Most engineered things we take for granted today would seem like magic to someone from generations ago or even from another part of the world that isn't as technologically advanced as the society that created the marvel. If you think what you see today is amazing you only have to wait a bit, and that wait gets shorter and shorter. That I would be able to effortlessly glide among the stars on my home computer would've seemed fantastic to me as a young boy and yet, here I am, part of a forum of individuals that do just that. I think back to my clunky Commodore 64, or the first BASIC program I wrote on a line printer computer (no monitor) in the 70's and marvel. When I think about the technology in 1956 versus today, I can't wait to see the next 50 years.

Posted: 25.03.2006, 08:33
by Lothar_GR
:D Thats true. Celestia alone would seem like a miracle if you compare it with what commodore 64 and other 8bit computers could offer.

I remember one small program on the 48K Spectrum i had ( i was a Speccy owner :D ) that calculated the Halley comet movement - you just gave your location on Earth and it could tell simply you when you could see the comet etc... :roll: