Just wanted to share this...

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Just wanted to share this...

Post #1by ElPelado » 07.08.2005, 14:28

Today I wake up at 5:00am specialy to see it. 3 minutes 35 seconds after that the first one appeared, and 6 seconds after that, the second one, and the brightest.
Yes sir, the Shuttle and the ISS.
Enjoy(I dont remember how much time of exposure I used, but it is or 10 or 13 or 15 seconds).

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Post #2by tony873004 » 08.08.2005, 08:07

Thank you for sharing that. It took me a minute to spot them in the photo, but there they are, above Orion.

What kind of camera did you use? If digital, try playing with the ISO setting and set the apateur to wide open (lowest F). Maybe they'd be a little brighter. Time of exposure doesn't have much to do with the brightness of the Shuttle or ISS since they're moving.

This pairing just wasn't visible from San Francisco (even if the fog went away :evil: ) , so I apreciate you posting this. :D

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