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Mars Global Surveyor sees Mars Odyssey

Posted: 20.05.2005, 17:35
by Brendan
Mars Global Surveyor took a picture of Mars Odyssey from 90 km away and could see the spectometer boom. 8O :o

Posted: 20.05.2005, 19:26
by PlutonianEmpire
Whoa! Way cool! :D

Posted: 20.05.2005, 22:35
Hey ! this isn't too far off :D

cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Mars:MGS/Sol:Mars:M ... 8659&lm=67


Posted: 23.05.2005, 00:15
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Wow. Now THAT sort of thing is very cool :).

(almost as good as the pictures from Apollo 12 with the astronauts tinkering with a Surveyor lander in the foreground, with the Apollo lander in the background).