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Solar eclipse

Posted: 10.04.2005, 10:09
by Alessandro
Hi all,

nobody of the forum was so lucky to assist to the solar eclipse on the 8th of April?

I have been able to see it in Celestia.

Now have to wait until October in Europe... but in October we have too much clouds in North Europe and... no [I] key to avoid them! Sigh!

Ciao Alessandro

Posted: 10.04.2005, 11:11
by PlutonianEmpire
Hehe! Imagine if we ALL had an [I] key! in a few years, Earth would burn to a crisp from too much sun!

Re: Solar eclipse

Posted: 10.04.2005, 11:44
by Jeam Tag
Alessandro wrote:Hi all,Now have to wait until October in Europe... but in October we have too much clouds in North Europe and... no [I] key to avoid them! Sigh!
Hello Alessandro, it seems to me that we had a [I] Key in France for the 1999 total eclipse: the sky was very cloudy, but just for the critic moment (for me in the far north of Paris): no clouds and a fabulous view of the eclipse.Extraordinary!Jeam

Re: Solar eclipse

Posted: 10.04.2005, 13:36
by Caro
Jeam Tag wrote:it seems to me that we had a [I] Key in France for the 1999 total eclipse: the sky was very cloudy, but just for the critic moment (for me in the far north of Paris): no clouds and a fabulous view of the eclipse.Extraordinary!Jeam

Green with envy: At the location in Germany where I've been somebody must have pressed the [I] Key two times: Just five minutes before the eclipse, the sun hid behind clouds. (Not to stress behind very dark clouds, leading to heavy rain...) :cry:

Re: Solar eclipse

Posted: 10.04.2005, 14:11
by PlutonianEmpire
Caro wrote:Green with envy: At the location in Germany where I've been somebody must have pressed the [I] Key two times: Just five minutes before the eclipse, the sun hid behind clouds. (Not to stress behind very dark clouds, leading to heavy rain...) :cry:


It's a cosmic conspiracy! The Lord's coming to destroy us all! run for your lives!




Posted: 10.04.2005, 14:34
by Alessandro
Jeam lucky you! In Luxembourg the same thing appened as Caro said... [I] two times, the second time at crucial moment!


Posted: 10.04.2005, 15:08
by julesstoop
In Metz (Northern France) I lived through the Caro-experience as well, unfortunately.

Posted: 10.04.2005, 16:30
by Jeam Tag
Alessandro wrote:Jeam lucky you! In Luxembourg the same thing appened as Caro said... [I] two times, the second time at crucial moment!
Hi, i don't understand very well the phenomenon but it seems to me that a certain form of [I] key is quite simply natural: indeed, I had gone in a place isolated, a little in altitude, on the exact course of totality (eg: complete total eclipse) and - those which already lived of the eclipses remember it - the sudden change of temperature right before the arrival of the shade itself drove out the clouds: the spectacle was really impressive because around at the horizon there were clouds (lit by behind since out of the eclipsed zone) whereas at zenith Sun died out during 2 mn in a completely free sky. It's an impossible kind of thing to model in Celestia for example, because it acts of a very short and located phenomenon , which depends on meteorology and the relief...
So, yes, we have had lucky: to already reach a place close to totality, because all the roads and motorways were saturated many hours ago by a crowd which precipitated to see the eclipse! Jeam

Posted: 10.04.2005, 16:41
by Vincent
julesstoop wrote:In Metz (Northern France) I lived through the Caro-experience as well, unfortunately.

Hey, Julesstoop, you should have been just 25 kms West from Metz, in Briey. The sun came out from clouds 10 minutes before the total eclipse, and hid 20 minutes after...

It was also funny to see the cows lay down on the floor as if the night was coming...

As you can see, a lot of interesting things happens in this wonderful region of Lorraine... :wink:


Posted: 10.04.2005, 17:57
by julesstoop
Yeah, bad luck.
I only arrived in Metz 1 hour before the start of the eclipse and I came by train so I couldn't have found your spot.

Posted: 10.04.2005, 18:07
I reckon that on that day here in Yorkshire, we were lucky to find that a few "#"s had been added to certain parts of the solarsys.ssc. :wink:
So there was no chance of any cloud cover here, even if the [I] command had been pressed !

I was also fortunate enough to work for a company where there were plenty of welding masks available. 8)


Posted: 10.04.2005, 18:52
by Alessandro
Terrier concerning the welding masks here in Luxembourg everyone had one, a very big propaganda was made starting two weeks before the event and you could find in every optical, newspaper vendor, but everyone has it in the pocket :?
Any way also without to see the sun the 'night' followed in Luxembourg, and it was in spite of all a good experience.

Posted: 27.04.2005, 00:35
by ElPelado
I heard today that on an eclipse, the temperature drops enough to make clouds dessapear... but sometimes they dissapear just after the eclipse and not before...