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/!\ 2005 FN 0.4LD !!

Posted: 23.03.2005, 15:05
by symaski62


cel://Follow/Sol:2005 FN/2005-03-18T22:17:01.73603?x=ZAoLv3d5yO+tDA&y=SumAbOjvtDY&z=1UD3/hW1Ppn//////////w&ow=0.702338&ox=0.552211&oy=-0.263273&oz=-0.363965&select=Sol:2005 FN&fov=25.529711&ts=1000.000000&ltd=0&rf=106403&lm=49186

8O !

Code: Select all

"2005 FN" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius 0.0017

   Epoch       2453200.5
   Period            0.9262
   SemiMajorAxis     0.950145421227761
   Eccentricity      0.323868865378301
   Inclination      4.64999112672519
   AscendingNode    177.776958598094
   ArgOfPericenter   117.383230098237
   MeanAnomaly     15.9238622428641

Posted: 23.03.2005, 18:54
by Evil Dr Ganymede
And? What's so special about this?

Posted: 23.03.2005, 19:56
by tony873004
It passed only 130,000 km above the surface of Earth last week.

Posted: 23.03.2005, 20:11
by selden
Well, it did flit by the Earth at a distance of only about 0.0009 au (0.4 lunar distance) on the 18th.

Posted: 23.03.2005, 20:32
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Sigh. Would be nice if Symaski for once could actually SAY that (even in french), rather than do his standard equivalent of quoting and armwaving and smileymaking and forcing the reader to guess what he could be going on about this time.

As it is, I went to the site and the java window didn't work for me, so I couldn't see anything obvious about it. I gathered from the ssc info that it was a near-earth asteroid, but that's about it.

Posted: 23.03.2005, 22:30
by selden
His Web reference just provided the orbital parameters, which really don't make it obvious that it was such a very close flyby. I had to search the NEO site for that info.

Posted: 23.03.2005, 22:31
I'll post here a repaired version of Symaski's "cel://url" link with the all-important "%20's" where spaces between words are meant to go.

cel://Follow/Sol:2005%20FN/2005-03-18T2 ... 3&lm=49186


Posted: 24.03.2005, 18:40
by symaski62
TERRIER wrote:I'll post here a repaired version of Symaski's "cel://url" link with the all-important "%20's" where spaces between words are meant to go.

cel://Follow/Sol:2005%20FN/2005-03-18T2 ... 3&lm=49186


:) merci

cel://Follow/Sol:2005%20FN/2005-03-18T2 ... 3&lm=49186

Posted: 24.03.2005, 19:48
by Jeam Tag
symaski62 wrote:
TERRIER wrote:I'll post here a repaired version of Symaski's "cel://url" link with the all-important "%20's" where spaces between words are meant to go.
cel://Follow/Sol:2005%20FN/2005-03-18T2 ... 3&lm=49186
:) merci

Merci ?  vous deux/thanks for all you guys
... Mais bon sang, Symasky62, qu'est-ce que c'est difficile de comprendre tes messages :-) celui-l?  ?©tait plus compr?©hensible que d'autres: merci. Mais comme il a ?©t?© dit, n'h?©sites pas ?  d?©velopper ton annonce en fran?§ais si tu ne trouves pas les mots anglais, beaucoups ici pourront aider ?  la traduction! Salut gars, Jeam
... but Sym', what it's difficult to understand your posts! :-) (This one was better understandable than other ones: thanks!) And like it was said to you, don't hesitate to develop your message in French if you do not find the English words, some ones here can help with the translation!
Cheers, Jeam