Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!

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Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!

Post #1by t00fri » 17.02.2005, 23:15

Well the latest NASA image is interesting.


Here is the relevant part of the original caption:

NASA wrote:Titan's surface and atmospheric features are shown here in this processed, visible-light image taken by Cassini.

Cassini's visible-light spectral filter is sensitive to a broad range of light, from ultraviolet to near-infrared. Imaging scientists normally use a narrow-band filter centered at 938 nanometers to look at Titan's surface and cloud features (see Most images of Titan taken between flybys are in visible light and are used to navigate the spacecraft. Views like these demonstrate that the surface, as well atmospheric features (such as the haze banding seen near the northern limb of Titan), can indeed be seen through this filter.

I take this as a proof that in visible light, a person standing on Titan's surface should be able to locate the sun's position through the haze!

This was the subject of my longstanding debate with Grant. My bet was that the sun can be seen ;-)

Bye Fridger

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #2by Evil Dr Ganymede » 17.02.2005, 23:55

Ralph Lorenz and others did some extensive tweaking and enhancement of the Voyager images (taken thorugh visible filters) and it turned out that perhaps some surface features were actually visible in even those images.
See here:

But that said, he REALLY needed to tweak the images a lot to see anything, and it's very sketchy at best. The image you linked to above is also heavily enhanced - and it's at 938 nm wavelength... isn't that in the near-IR, not visible light range? (I can't check the caption myself because the link is pointing to the wrong image - PIA06154 is a different image).

I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that the sun is actually visible from the surface at all. Light will come through certainly, but given the amount of enhancement one has to do on these images to see the surface I think it's going a bit far to say that the sun itself would be visible, even as a brighter patch in an otherwise diffusely-scattered sky.

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Post #3by t00fri » 18.02.2005, 00:04

Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:....
The image you linked to above is also heavily enhanced - and it's at 938 nm wavelength... isn't that in the near-IR, not visible light range? (I can't check the caption myself because the link is pointing to the wrong image - PIA06154 is a different image).

If it was the usual 938 nanometers narrow-band filter, I would have barely started a special thread on that issue! Please, why don't you read things well before answering. This is a wide-band visual light filter just oposed to the near-IR narrowband filter that is usually applied. Since in this visual-light wide-band filter one can glimpse the surface, a person standing on the surface should also be able to locate the sun!

I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that the sun is actually visible from the surface at all. Light will come through certainly, but given the amount of enhancement one has to do on these images to see the surface I think it's going a bit far to say that the sun itself would be visible, even as a brighter patch in an otherwise diffusely-scattered sky.

So why, is it a bit of a stretch?? The sun is very much brighter as seen from the surface, than the surface details seen through the haze in the visible-light photo above. The brightness of the sun will easily make up for the image processing applied!

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Post #4by Evil Dr Ganymede » 18.02.2005, 00:29

t00fri wrote:If it was the usual 938 nanometers narrow-band filter, I would have barely started a special thread on that issue! Please, why don't you read things well before answering. This is a wide-band visual light filter just oposed to the near-IR narrowband filter that is usually applied.

That actually isn't obvious in the part you quoted - particularly since your link does not point to the image or caption that you are discussing here. As it stands, the bit you quoted makes it sound like NASA is claiming that a 938nm filter is visible light, and the quote doesn't actually say what the specific wavelength range the filter used for the image that you posted is.

As it is, it's irrelevant to my point, which was that this had been observed before in the link I gave. Furthermore, one can only glimpse the surface with extreme image enhancement - someone standing on the ground on Titan using just their Mk1 Eyeballs will not have this luxury.

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Post #5by t00fri » 18.02.2005, 00:53

Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:
t00fri wrote:If it was the usual 938 nanometers narrow-band filter, I would have barely started a special thread on that issue! Please, why don't you read things well before answering. This is a wide-band visual light filter just oposed to the near-IR narrowband filter that is usually applied.

That actually isn't obvious in the part you quoted - particularly since your link does not point to the image or caption that you are discussing here. As it stands, the bit you quoted makes it sound like NASA is claiming that a 938nm filter is visible light, and the quote doesn't actually say what the specific wavelength range the filter used for the image that you posted is.
I thought you know where to find the full caption. Right?

Please note that I am far from stupid. I am paid for usually not making such trivial mistakes ;-) . So when I am starting an extra thread on this, you might as well contemplate just for a moment that I might have a real reason...

As it is, it's irrelevant to my point, which was that this had been observed before in the link I gave. Furthermore, one can only glimpse the surface with extreme image enhancement - someone standing on the ground on Titan using just their Mk1 Eyeballs will not have this luxury.

Somebody on titan's surface however can replace the image processing enhancement required for looking down, by the sun's additional brightness when looking up.

Is this so hard to understand?

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #6by Evil Dr Ganymede » 18.02.2005, 01:17

t00fri wrote:I thought you know where to find the full caption. Right?

You repeatedly assume your readers know things that they don't when you write posts here. Would it kill you to put a direct reference to the page you're referring to here?

Please note that I am far from stupid. I am paid for usually not making such trivial mistakes ;-) . So when I am starting an extra thread on this, you might as well contemplate just for a moment that I might have a real reason...

Please, do us a favour and spare us the smug intellectual snobbery. Fact is, you haven't explained yourself very well here and you haven't cited your source, so that makes it rather hard for anyone else to follow your point.

Somebody on titan's surface however can replace the image processing enhancement required for looking down, by the sun's additional brightness when looking up.

Is this so hard to understand?

Given the degree of enhancement required to see any surface features at visible wavelengths, what makes you think that the human eye would even notice the slight brightness difference when looking directly at where the sun is?

Or is that so hard to understand? :roll:

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Post #7by chris » 18.02.2005, 01:23

Skip the ad hominems or I'll lock this thread. Which would be a shame, because it's an interesting topic . . .


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Post #8by Brendan » 18.02.2005, 01:28

Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:Given the degree of enhancement required to see any surface features at visible wavelengths, what makes you think that the human eye would even notice the slight brightness difference when looking directly at where the sun is?

Maybe the light that traveled down through the atmosphere, reflected from those surface features and traveled back up through the atmosphere won't be as bright as that light that would only be traveling from the sun, through the atmosphere to your eyes.

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Post #9by t00fri » 18.02.2005, 01:32

Come on...

I cited above directly from NASA, part of the original caption from their latest Cassini photo (EVERYONE reading here knows where the corresponding site is!):

NASA wrote:Titan's surface and atmospheric features are shown here in this processed, visible-light image taken by Cassini.

Since every child knows that 938 nanometers is near-IR, /invisible to the eye/, you clearly did not read or not understand that NASA caption I quoted. Now you are trying to get out of it by your familiar rhetorics...

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #10by Evil Dr Ganymede » 18.02.2005, 02:02

t00fri wrote:Come on...

I cited above directly from NASA, part of the original caption from their latest Cassini photo (EVERYONE reading here knows where the corresponding site is!):

Since every child knows that 938 nanometers is near-IR, /invisible to the eye/, you clearly did not read or not understand that NASA caption I quoted. Now you are trying to get out of it by your familiar rhetorics...

Find me a "child" who knows that 938nm is near-IR. Go on. I'd bet that most people here don't know off the top of their heads what the wavelengths of EM radiation are that correspond to near IR, or green light, or blue, or UV.

Jeez. And you wonder why I get annoyed at your posts, Fridger. And then you have the gall to claim I'm out to get you.

Like I said, would it kill you to post the URL? Evidently it would, since you still refuse to do it. You're just being deliberately obstructive, and again you are showing your typical attitude of not admitting that you are in the wrong.

You always assume that people know everything. Most of your explanatory posts say "of course", or "obviously". No, Fridger, what you are talking about is not obvious, and I for one find it annoying as hell that you assume that it is. That kind of "explanation" is incredibly patronising and makes readers think that they must be idiots for not knowing what you're talking about - it's counterproductive and unecessary. It is not clear for all here to see. Another example was the "Light Crazy" thread where you were "explaining" cosmology like you were giving a university lecture - throwing around numbers and greek letters like confetti that would be completely meaningless to most people and liberally sprinkling it with "of course' and "it should be obvious" and so on.

Get the damn point, Fridger - you need to be a hell of a lot clearer with your explanations here. This isn't a forum full of astrophysics lecturers or people that have spent their whole lives studying astronomy - it's full of ordinary people from all walks of life who may not have that advanced knowledge that you assume that they have.

Frankly, the fact that you can't even deign to provide the right web address shows you really have an attitude problem here. I for one have looked on the Cassini homepage, the CICLOPS homepage, and the home page and not found this image. "NASA" is comprised of a hell of a lot of websites and this is not on the obvious ones - if you want to explain things, you should not expect the reader to do the detective work to find out what the hell you're talking about (and that means you need to cite your sources so that people can look them up).

Is that perhaps clear enough for you?

As it is, I found the image at: ... ageID=1378

It is. for some reason, not on the Cassini homepage where the latest press releases usually are, despite being released today. The full caption is:

Titan's surface and atmospheric features are shown here in this processed, visible-light image taken by Cassini.

Cassini's visible-light spectral filter is sensitive to a broad range of light, from ultraviolet to near-infrared. Imaging scientists normally use a narrow-band filter centered at 938 nanometers to look at Titan's surface and cloud features (see Most images of Titan taken between flybys are in visible light and are used to navigate the spacecraft. Views like these demonstrate that the surface, as well atmospheric features (such as the haze banding seen near the northern limb of Titan), can indeed be seen through this filter.

Although the clear filter is not the best way to view the surface, this observation demonstrates that with sufficient processing, this filter can be used to keep track of cloud features during periods between flybys in order to provide a better understanding of the evolution of Titan's atmosphere as the moon nears spring in the northern hemisphere.

This image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow angle camera on Feb. 10, 2004 from a distance of 2.5 million kilometers (1.6 million miles). The image scale is 15 kilometers (9.5 miles) per pixel. The image was strongly enhanced to bring out surface features. Features on the eastern side of this image will be observed at 20 times this resolution during a flyby in late March.

As you can see, you neglected to mention that the caption says that the image was strongly enhanced, and only talks about being able to track atmospheric features with this method. It certainly does not even remotely prove that you can see the sun from the surface of Titan - you'll need a lot more evidence than that to be convincing in your argument.

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