Clouds on other worlds

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Clouds on other worlds

Post #1by ajtribick » 13.01.2005, 22:45

Just a question, what kind of clouds would be possible on hot Jupiter planets (e.g. 55 Cancri b,c) - would clouds of sulphuric acid, like those on Venus, be possible?


Post #2by Guest » 15.01.2005, 01:17

This is a good site about gas giant clouds, although I don't think it covers all the possibilities by a long chalk; ... iants.html

a hot, mostly evaporated gas giant with a large rocky core could have lots of volcanic gases in its atmosphere; sul;phur is certainly a good candidate.

I think organic compounds are possible as well, even life of some sort perhaps, leading to clouds coloured by airborne phytoplankton; these could be green, bluegreen, red or yellow depending on the pigments involved.

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