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Bisecting planet Earth using two GIS or geo points

Posted: 12.10.2004, 05:17
by mikael
Hi Does anyone know of a program that will list various points along a line
when bisecting earth? Imagine an orange cut in half, 1/4 etc. and along the cut line the circumfrence of the planet. The reason for this will be listed on this server after what I am looking for is either found or not.
A very awesome outcome if I can verify some coordinates with this type of program. Thanks for the help. Pax.


Posted: 12.10.2004, 20:17
by tony873004
I"m not quite sure I understand your question.

If you want points on the great circle, its just 0 to 360 degrees.

If you want them as x & y points you could do x = cos(degree) * radius of Earth, y = sin(degree) * radius of Earth.

If you want latitude and longitude coordinates on the surface of the earth, the trig is more complicated.