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Dammit, I NEED to stop worrying!!!

Posted: 28.09.2004, 02:45
by Draconiator
Well I'm not THAT worried about Toutatis, but if it hits, we're all going the way of the dinosaur. The news on Yahoo says that it won't hit, but with President Bush in power...maybe they're lying? If they are...we're up shit creek, guys.

Posted: 28.09.2004, 02:46
by Cham

Bush, ... yeah !

Posted: 28.09.2004, 22:13
by Bob Hegwood
So let it impact...

There's too damned many people here anyway. :wink:

Take care, Bob

Posted: 28.09.2004, 22:53
by Dollan
Don't worry... if the asteroid misses, I'm sure the next planetary alignment will do us in... :roll:

Really, I don't know why people worry about this sort of thing. Toutatis' orbit is *well* known and has been for some time. Heck, even in Celestia it's obvious it'll miss!
