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Question for Doctor Doctor...

Posted: 06.08.2004, 05:25
by Draconiator
I've been lurking around here reading posts occasionally...and I've even gotten to know some people. Now, whenever I read a post by Evil Doctor, I can't help but think that he's a rocket scientist, due to all his technojibberjabber. So, are ya, man? Speak up! I ain't making fun of you or anything, and I know that kinda talk is COMPLETELY normal, but I can't understand it much...


Posted: 06.08.2004, 07:42
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Close. I'm a planetary scientist :).

Though I do have a T-Shirt that I got in Houston that says "Actually, I AM a rocket scientist". Close enough, I guess ;)

Re: Question for Doctor Doctor...

Posted: 06.08.2004, 17:25
Draconiator wrote:technojibberjabber.


Is that a 'technical term' ?

Re: Question for Doctor Doctor...

Posted: 06.08.2004, 21:56
by Evil Dr Ganymede
TERRIER wrote:
Draconiator wrote:technojibberjabber.


Is that a 'technical term' ?

It's one step up from "technobabble", and a close cousin of "technogobbledigook" :lol: