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missing nearby stars stc?

Posted: 15.07.2004, 18:19
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Can someone remind me where to get hold of the stc file that has the missing nearby stars (e.g. Wolf 359) that weren't in the Hipparcos catalogue?

And has anyone done (or can anyone make?) an stc of the latest RECONS list?

Posted: 15.07.2004, 18:31
by granthutchison
It's at
I updated it in the light of the current RECONS list on 14 June.


Posted: 15.07.2004, 19:09
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Ta, Grant.

EDIT: Never mind, I read the intro :)

Also, the current RECONS list is accurate as of July 1st 2004 - does that mean they've updated it again since you last looked in June?

Posted: 15.07.2004, 20:17
by granthutchison
Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:Also, the current RECONS list is accurate as of July 1st 2004 - does that mean they've updated it again since you last looked in June?
Must've done - I'll take a look, thanks.


Posted: 16.07.2004, 20:17
by granthutchison
granthutchison wrote:
Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:Also, the current RECONS list is accurate as of July 1st 2004 - does that mean they've updated it again since you last looked in June?
Must've done - I'll take a look, thanks.
Yep, five new stars. I've updated the file and Selden has it posted at the link above.
