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Look what I did...

Posted: 27.06.2004, 18:45
by ElPelado
I used my 3" reflector and my webcam, which surprise me more each day I use it, I thought that I cant use it for anything, and its better in astronomical use than as a normal webcam.
Both were videos that I proccesed with registax2(those were long videos, but I used more or less 200 frames for each image). The second one looks better than the first one in my opinion...

Posted: 28.06.2004, 12:21
by Adirondack
Nice pics!

If you could use a webcam with a real CCD-Chip you would even get a little more details and better results.
I'm surprised how good you CMOS-Chip works! :P

Try using an IR-Cut-Filter and a grey-filter for better contrast.

Posted: 29.06.2004, 18:08
by ElPelado
But what is "IR-Cut-Filter and a grey-filter"??