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I've seen the entire venus transit

Posted: 08.06.2004, 12:33
by Adirondack
Wow, I've seen the entire venus transit this morning throught my refractor, here in Germany!

Anybody who wants to see some pics within the next days?


Posted: 08.06.2004, 15:21
by Kendrix
I've seen it too ! From Paris, France.

From my home with my reflector (130/900) + Canon EOS 300D + 55-200mm alone (without the reflector) + binoculars (10x50) + naked eyes !!!

wow ! That was incredible...

Posted: 08.06.2004, 17:10
by ElPelado
I also saw it. I could not see it complete because in the middle I had a test in physics(the last one in the high school). But I saw almost the first 2.5 hours and the last minutes, and also took many pictures and one 230MB video. I dont understand why it was 230Mb: when I setted up the capture it said it would be 2Mb, but i is 230... so I dont udnerstand.
Doesnt matter, IT WAS SPECTACULAR!

BTW: I used a 3 inch reflector with a black polymer filter made by my self, I also could saw it with naked eyes and the filter, and with a pair of small binoculars...

Posted: 08.06.2004, 17:47
by Evil Dr Ganymede
I'm in W Canada, I missed it all. :(

Oh, I'm going to blow up the Earth - it obstructs my view of Venus.
[/marvinthemartian] :twisted: ;)

Posted: 08.06.2004, 22:32
by Hummin
I?ve seen it to! From Osijek Croatia :mrgreen:
it was very nice, and also immpresive how small Venus is.

Posted: 09.06.2004, 08:46
by piellepi
Hi Friends!
I witnessed the transit too!!
It was very spectacular, expecially the last minutes, when venus disappeared from the sun... Of course some clouds disturbed the latest moments, but I am veeeery satisfied :D
I saw it from my home in Rome,Italy: as a amateur astronomer I had marked this date on the calendar as a must :lol:

Posted: 09.06.2004, 08:50
by piellepi
I forgot to say that I used my 10 cm telescope with a solar filter , making a lot of photographs (film photo and not digital ones... :( )

Posted: 11.06.2004, 06:58
by Adirondack

here are some images.

The first image I took with a free-hand afocal digi-shot through the 25mm ocular at my 90/1000mm refractor. It shows the venus while entering the sun disc at 5:29 UT (7:29 local time):


The 2nd image shows a closer look. This image is a focal shot with a CCD-Camera using the same telescope (with the CCD-Cam instead of the ocular) at 6:09 UT (8:09 local time):


Hope, you enjoy it.
