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comet bradfield

Posted: 19.04.2004, 07:21
by Guest
assuming i put on my sunglasses and hide the sun's disc with a coin or something, will I be able to see comet bradfield while the sun is up in the sky?

Posted: 19.04.2004, 07:56
by granthutchison
No. A comet isn't bright enough to show through the brightness of the blue sky.


Posted: 19.04.2004, 10:21
by Guest

Posted: 19.04.2004, 15:55
by granthutchison
Bradfield's now too close to the Sun to see at sunset - if you're in the northern hemisphere you'll need to wait until next week, get up early, and look for it before sunrise (if you're in the southern hemisphere you've already missed the show, unfortunately). See here for some guidance to observing times and dates.
